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Xi Jinping's Marxist Theoretical Thought

Posted on:2019-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330563998427Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 18 National Congress of the Party,General Secretary Xi Jinping has m ade a series of new viewpoints,new ideas and new judgments on the issue of "what is Marxism and how to deal with Marxism",based on the basic position of Marxism.H as formed a rich and unique Marxist view,accurately grasped the basic content and i mportant value of Xi Jinping's Marxist view,and,under the new situation,has correct ly treated Marxism and developed contemporary Marxism.It is of great practical sign ificance.Under the guidance of Marxist views,the promotion of Marxist theoretical e ducation is conducive to clarifying and correcting all kinds of erroneous Marxist view s." The Marxist theory education is the core of the ideological and political work of t he Communist Party of China.The so-called Marxist theory education refers to the process of arming the whole Party and educating the people with the position,view a nd method of Marxism.There are great achievements in Mao Zedong's thought,Den g Xiaoping's theory,the important thought of "three represents",the scientific develo pment view,the socialist concept of honor and disgrace,the socialist thought of Chin ese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping,and so on.Under the new era and situation,the new leading collective,with Xi Jinping as t he core,has always adhered to a scientific attitude in the process of building socialis m.To adhere to the basic principles of Marxism in combination with the practical pro blems of China's socialist construction is conducive to the better use of Marxism to g uide current socialist construction and reform,and to the effective development of Ma rxist theoretical education.The thought of Marxist theoretical education is an importa nt part of the socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era,which is e mbodied in General Secretary Xi Jinping's foothold on the people.The overall goal of having faith,hope for the nation and strength for the state revolves around the funda mental task of consolidating the ideological position of Marxism in the ideological fie ld and consolidating the common ideological basis for the unity and struggle of the pe ople of all ethnic groups in the country.Aiming at ideological construction,ideal and belief education,realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation Chinese Drea m,cultivating and carrying forward the Chinese spirit,cultivating and practicing the s ocialist core values,the education of youth Marxism theory,the ideological and politi cal work in colleges and universities,Education of philosophy and social sciences,car rying forward traditional culture,literature and art work,military political work,netw ork propaganda and ideological work,and other aspects of contemporary Chinese wor k published in various fields In a series of important speeches and a whole set of majo r strategic deployment,it is the basic position,viewpoint and methodology of Marxi sm to solve the contemporary Chinese ideological construction,the scientific explora tion and theoretical innovation of the concrete problems of contemporary China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, Xi Jinping's Marxist view, Xi Jinping's Marxist theoretical thought
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