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Research On Legal System Of Judicial Review Of Major Administrative Law Enforcement

Posted on:2019-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M HeFull Text:PDF
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The review of major administrative enforcement decisions by the legal system refers to the fact that,when reviewing the law enforcement process of law enforcement activities and the results to be processed,the legal review agency shall present its legality and reasonableness review in accordance with certain standards and procedures,and eventually form a written review opinion.Major legal administrative decision The legal review system,as an ex ante review mechanism,plays an important role.This system is conducive to standardizing law enforcement activities,safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of citizens,and building a government of the sun and the rule of law.At the same time,the system must follow certain principles,and there are many differences between these systems,such as filing review,administrative reconsideration,and administrative litigation.However,there are still many problems existing in this system.The author discusses the construction and improvement of the legal review system for major administrative law enforcement decisions based on these specific issues.In addition to the introduction and conclusion,this article is divided into four parts:The first part mainly discusses the general issues of the legal review system for major administrative enforcement decisions.Mainly from the analysis of the connotation of the legal review of major administrative law enforcement decisions,to compare the difference between the system and other related systems,and the principles that the system should have.Through the discussion of the general issues of the system,it is possible to have a simple understanding of it,to facilitate understanding and to further explore this system.The second part mainly discusses the basic value of the legal system for reviewing major administrative law enforcement decisions.Including standardizing administrative enforcement,safeguarding the rights of law enforcement counterparts,improving work processes,improving the quality of law enforcement,comprehensively advancing administration according to law and building a government under the rule of law.The study of the basic value of the system can be used to guide the local pilot projects with objectives and directions.The third part mainly discusses the problems existing in the system construction and practice of China's system of legal review of major administrative enforcement decisions.Through the analysis of these problems,it is possible to propose measures for solving related problems.The fourth part,mainly based on the analysis of the major administrative law enforcement decisions in the above review of the legal system in our country and existing problems,purposing a purposeful conception for the improvement of the legal review system for major administrative law enforcement decisions,specifically including accelerating the construction of major administrative enforcement decisions Institutionalization of the legal system for auditing,and strengthening the implementation of the legal system for reviewing major legal administrative decisions in practice.Making everything that related to the system can be effectively carried out and implemented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Major Administrative Enforcement Decision, Legal Review, Audit Opinion, Audit Subject
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