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Study On International Action Of Combating IUU Fishing

Posted on:2018-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330536977296Subject:Fishery resources
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the recession of the marine fishery resources,the international community gives more attention to manage and conserve fishery resources.To regulate fishing has been an important work to the management and conservation of fishery resources.IUU fishing is one of the reasons why the fishery resources would be undermined.Because of the popularity of IUU fishing,the international community made a series of efforts to prevent,deter and eliminate(hereinafter referred to as“ combate”)IUU fishing.International Plan of Action to Prevent,Deter and Eliminate Illegal,Unreported and Unregulated Fishing(hereinafter referred to as“ IPOA-IUU”)which is adopted by FAO in 2001 calls for countries to have a cooperation in order to combat IUU fishing.Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent Deter and Eliminate Illegal,Unreported and Unregulated Fishing(hereinafter referred to as“ Port State Measures Agreement”)which is taken effort in 2016 is a legally binding agreement.Port State Measures Agreement specify the port state measures.Realizing the responsibility of flag state,FAO adopted Voluntary Guidelines for Flag State Performance in 2013.This performance requires flag state to build a system of monitoring,control and surveillance for vessel and cooperate with other countries so that the measures could be implemented effectively.This paper adopts the methods of literature analysis,instance analysis and experience summarization.Expounded and summarized relevant provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”)and other international treaties.Found that countries should be responsible for combating IUU fishing and take measures include monitoring,control and surveillance measure,port state measure and market trade measure.This paper introduces and analyzes these measures and lists some measures which have been adopted by some countries or RFMOs.In addition,according to learn from other countries' experience,to find the weakness about combating IUU fishing of China and put forward the proposal for China to combat IUU fishing.This paper consists of six chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which introduces the background,purpose and significance,domestic and foreign research situation,study method and framework.The second chapter is the IUU fishing and the international treaties of IUU fishing.This chapter elaborates the definition and the causes of IUU fishing.It also expounds and summarizes the international treats of IUU fishing.Those international treats include Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on The High Seas(hereinafter referred to as “Flag Agreement”),Agreement for The Implementation of Provisions of The United Nations Convention on The Law of The Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to The Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks(hereinafter referred to as “the UN fish Stocks Agreement”),Port State Measures Agreement,IPOA-IUU and Voluntary Guidelines for Flag State Performance.The third chapter is the international measures for combating IUU fishing.There are four links in fishing activity: ship registration and fishing license before fishing,fishing on the sea,docking or using port,and trading fish or fishing products.According to these four links to adopt homologous measures: First,flag state inspects and registers vessel,authorizes fishing license,requires vessel to install VMS and adopts IMO vessel number;Second,the inspection on the sea includes monitoring vessel's location through VMS,observer programmes and boarding and inspection;Third,the port state measures include notifying in advance for entrance,specifying port,approving or rejecting to port,inspecting vessels and so on;Forth,market trade measures include catch document scheme and aquatic product label,IUU black list and embargo.The forth chapter is effectiveness analysis of international measures for combating IUU fishing.This chapter analyzes the implementation effect of measures and the limitation.The fifth chapter is the status and development of combating IUU fishing in China.This chapter points out which measures have been adopted and which is not adopted.Inspecting and registering vessel,authorizing fishing license,installing VMS and observer programmes are all adopted by China.Boarding and inspection,part of port state measures and market trade measures are not adopted.This chapter also analyzes the reasons why China does not adopt those measures,and offers some proposals.The last chapter is summary.Realizing that combating IUU fishing is a global action.Each country has responsibility to adopt measures to combat IUU fishing.To insure the measures could be effective implementation,countries should cooperate with each other.China is a responsible power.China will do more in management and conservation of fishery resources and adopt more measures to combat IUU fishing.
Keywords/Search Tags:IUU fishing, international measures, effectiveness, limitation
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