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A Comparative Research On Cognitive Differences And Policy In The Concept Of Cycber Sovereignty Between China And The United States

Posted on:2018-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330536475333Subject:Chinese and foreign political system
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The globalization of information has brought about the rise of the global cyberspace,the struggle for domination and control of cyberspace is becoming more and more transparent and intense.The traditional geopolitics has been mapped to the cyberspace,promoting the advent of the era of geopolitical network.Along with the threat of cyberspace further intensified,the security of cyberspace in developing countries and national sovereignty of them are facing serious challenges,the specific performance is network is changing the connotation of national security,boundary and scope of sovereignty and the form of the war.The return of sovereignty concept and re-sovereignty in cyberspace becomes a new situation.Therefore,protecting a nation's cyber frontier and the sovereignty of the network has become an important symbol and proper meaning of a country's national capacity in Internet era.Cycber sovereignty can be understood as the application of national sovereignty in cyberspace,not a new right,but the new sovereignty in the network era,presenting a series of new features,such as virtuality,concealment,vulnerability,linkage,easy invasion,high risk and defense difficulty.Although cycber sovereignty contains some contradiction in its connotation,this can not deny the sovereignty attribute in cyberspace,the appeal for cycber sovereignty is continuing to improve.There is a great deal of controversy and disagreement between China and the United States in the understanding of cycber sovereignty.The United States has a clear double standard and hegemonic logic tendency in the cognition of cycber sovereignty,but China opposes absolute liberalization of cyberspace and always advocating that cyberspace has sovereignty,and has absolute power in the management and control of country's network infrastructure and all network behavior,that is free from external interference.In view of the fact that there is asymmetry of network power between the United States and China,and they have different cognition of cycber sovereignty,the two nations pursue different network space strategy and cycber sovereignty policy.Relying on the unique advantages of the network hegemony,the United States has mastered the dominance and control of the global cyberspace,and pursues the offensive cyberspace strategy and the pre-emptive cycber sovereignty policy.China pursues a defensive cyberspace strategy and a self-defensive cycber sovereignty policy.Competitive cooperation might become the mainstream in Chian-U.S.Relationship in cyberspace.Although the competition in core technology in the network,network hardware and software,discourse power and dominant power in cyberspace is increasingly undisguised,but the cooperation between the two countries in the digital economy,network security,governance systems and other issues have a broad base and space.Of course,Chian-U.S.Relationship in cyberspace has also a lot of resistance,in addition to the different cognition in cycber sovereignty,but also affected by the lack of mutual trust,value differences,lack of rules,hegemony logic and other factors.In the future,China must establish a sound cyberspace strategy and cycber sovereignty policy system,so that realizing the technology catching up and leaping development.At the domestic level,as a rising star in the global cycber space,China must strengthen the exploration and development in the field of strategic,technical,standard and institutional level,and comprehensively improving the ability and level of cycber governance.At the international level,China must actively participate in international cycber governance,enhance discourse power in international cyberspace,and further offer Chinese wisdom and Chinese path.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cyberspace, Cycber Sovereignty, Internet Governance, Cycber Sovereignty Policy
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