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On The Cognizance Mechanism Of The Adjudicator's Judicial Responsibility

Posted on:2018-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330515966299Subject:Procedural Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the fourth Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee,with the advancement of basic strategy for the rule of law,reform of the judicial system is stepping into the deep water.China speeds up the construction of the rule of law,when Some major reform tasks such as the judge system reform has been carried out all over the country.Perfecting the judicial responsibility system is an important part of a new round of judicial reform in our country,which effects not only the standard operation of judicial power,but also the social the ultimate value—fairness and justice.Power is always associated with responsibility ? Justice is to determine which means there's a strong complexity and diversity in judicial responsibility from judge to decide.This system have been tried in our country in early 90 s.And,there's a loss of top design and unified legislative norms.Judicial responsibility identification system in China has not been systemized,which also contributed to the huge cases of wrongly,falsely and unjustly repudiated appear constantly.To the contrast,whether of common law system or continental law system civilization countries such as Germany and Japan,adopt multiple,universal and orderly responsibility identification model.To guarantee judicial justice,judicial corruption prevention plays an important role.Therefore,the author draw lessons from foreign relative scientific and mature experience,intends to put forward new ideas of the Chinese judge judicial responsibility identification system on which based the new trends of China's judicial reform and institutional real.With the principle of correct guidance,the cognizance of the independent subject,while identifying processes and operational results to build in accordance with the rule of law spirit judge the responsibility identification system.
Keywords/Search Tags:adjudicatory personnel, Judicial Responsibility, cognizance mechanism
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