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A Project Report On Weekly Meeting Interpreting For Container Vessel Construction Process

Posted on:2021-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330647958071Subject:English interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This project report is based on the reporter's experience in weekly meeting interpreting for container vessel construction process.From June to September 2019,the reporter did her internship in Jiangsu New Yangzi Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd.(the shipyard)for three months.In this period,she worked in the Business Department as a project assistant and took part in the project with CMA CGM S.A.(the owner).The owner set up the office at the shipyard and appointed representatives to supervise and inspect the construction process of the vessels.Project Manager of the owner organized the regular meeting every Wednesday.In the meeting,the reporter acted as the consecutive interpreter for both sides,the shipyard and the owner.In the process of interpreting,the reporter was faced with three major problems: firstly,terminology and abbreviation barriers;secondly,English with the Russian accent,thirdly,overdependence on note-taking.The reporter analyzed the recordings carefully and consulted relevant theories of interpretation,especially the Interpretive Theory and the Effort Models,ending up with three solutions to the problems.The first is to make sufficient preparations before interpreting,including relevant background knowledge and thematic knowledge,terminology and abbreviations;the second is to get familiar with the Russian accent;the third is to take notes on the basis of comprehension,which means listening and understanding first,taking notes later.
Keywords/Search Tags:shipbuilding interpretation, terminology and abbreviations, impact of accent, note-taking in interpreting
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