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Cross-border And Integration

Posted on:2021-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of contemporary artistic language in the past century,it has formed its own unique cultural and artistic characteristics,and the cross-border and fusion of contemporary artistic language plays an important role in the course of artistic development in our country.Its formation is closely related to the political,economic and cultural of the times,and it is also the conscious product of the external society and internal self-formation of artistic creators in our country under different background of the times.While studying and exploring the traditional art techniques of our country,we should combine the experience left by our predecessor in the process of art exploration with contemporary art creation.The language of contemporary artistic materials has a profound influence on artistic creators,and it has a profound influence on artistic creators.With the irreplaceable artistic value of the times,this paper is roughly divided into five chapters to explore the cross-border and integration of art from Cai Guoqiang's artistic language.The first part takes Cai Guoqiang's artistic background as the starting point,combs the historical origin of Cai Guoqiang's material language,and then probes into the expression form of his material language development course,thus leads to the importance of contemporary artistic language.This paper mainly expounds Cai Guoqiang's artistic language characteristics,feelings,artistic language national aesthetics and connotation,aesthetic psychology and the practical application of artistic material language in contemporary creation.Explain.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cai Guoqiang, artistic language, artistic creation
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