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A Study Of The Translation Of Uygur Language In "Crazy Neighbors" From The Perspective Of Adaptation Theory

Posted on:2021-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K L YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330626953844Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,with the increasing openness of the world,people are eager to absorb foreign spiritual culture.As one of the cultural carriers,film and television works gradually enter people's vision.Therefore,the demand for the translation of TV drama lines has been gradually strengthened,especially for the translation of TV drama lines.This paper studies the translation of lines from the perspective of adaptation theory,hoping to provide reference for the future study of film and television drama translation.The theory of linguistic adaptation was first put forward by Jef Verschueren in a new interpretation of pragmatics.It points out that the essence of language use is a process of continuous choice under various levels of consciousness with the purpose of meeting the needs of communication.Translation is not only a cross-cultural communicative activity,but also a special form of language use,so it is of practical significance to explore translation from the perspective of adaptation theory.In view of the influence of many contextual factors on translation activities,translation can be regarded as a process of constant choice under various levels of consciousness in the perspective of adaptation theory.In order to have the persuasive power,the author “Crazy Neighbors” Uygur translates the script take the metropolis comedy as the language materials,discusses under the angle of view in the accommodation to study the lines translation.This article mainly by the foreword,the main text and the concluding remark three parts is composed.The introduction introduces the purpose and significance of this study,the object and method of the study,the current situation of the study,the innovation and the overview of adaptation theory and the translation of TV drama lines,explores the relationship between them,and analyzes the feasibility of adaptation theory in the translation of TV drama lines.The main body is divided into five chapters:The first chapter mainly analyzes and summarizes the translation methods of the play from the perspective of translation research,combining the translation strategies,translation methods and translation skills with the relevant translation examples in the translation;the second chapter studies the structural problems involved in the translator's language selection from the perspective of adaptation theory,starting from the linguistic structure object of the Uyghur translation of “Crazy Neighbors”;In chapter three,from the perspective of adaptation theory,the author analyzes the adaptation of Uyghur translation in the process of language selection,and explores the adaptation between language selection and context in the process of translation from three aspects: physical world,psychological world and social world;The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the dynamic adaptation of the translation of lines from the perspective of language and thinking;the fifth chapter mainly reviews the translation of“Crazy Neighbors” and summarizes the problems in the translation process,and then putsforward relevant solutions.The last part is the conclusion of the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Adaptation Theory, “Crazy Neighbors”, Uyghur Translation, Research
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