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The Ethical Implications Of Sharing Development Concepts

Posted on:2020-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L DongFull Text:PDF
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In October 2015,General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly put forward five development concepts of “innovation”,“coordination”,“green”,“open” and “sharing” at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee.This is the new development of the Chinese Communist Party.A major breakthrough in the development concept in the context of the times.At this meeting,the CPC Central Committee clearly included the concept of shared development in the 13 th Five-Year Plan,as its development strategy,and emphasized that "shared development" is the essential requirement of socialism.At this point,the concept of shared development has become an important guiding ideology for China's governance.China is a socialist country.The deep difference between it and capitalism lies in always insisting on "taking the people as the center" and taking the common prosperity of the people as the value pursuit and realistic goal.The concept of sharing development embodies the essential requirements of socialism and embodies the development.People's character,comprehensiveness and integrity.It contains the ethical value appeal of socialism with Chinese characteristics.This ethical value is the inner source of the broadest force of building socialism with Chinese characteristics,including the lofty ethical thoughts,ethical spirits and ethical behaviors that must be practiced by peers.This paper mainly studies from four aspects: First,starting from the basis of the shared development concept,and exploring the historical inevitability and realistic necessity of the shared development concept,on the basis of this,the ethical connotation of shared development is analyzed.Point out the main content of shared development,namely,comprehensive sharing,sharing among all people,building and sharing,progressive sharing,and suggesting that sharing should be a reasonable and differentiated sharing.Secondly,starting from the ideological and cultural resources of shared development,looking for relevant ideas,it is pointed out that sharing ideas is not only an effective acquisition of traditional Chinese sharing ideas,but also a positive reference for Western sharing ideas.But it is more directly derived from Marxist ideas about the sharing of development results by the people,as well as the inheritance and development of the thoughts of shared development by Chinese party and state leaders.General Secretary Xi Jinping's new era,the opportunity for common prosperity,the people to share the color,and the proposed urban and rural balanced development strategy measures have greatly promoted the implementation of the concept of shared development.Thirdly,the ethical value of shared development concept is explained from the three levels of moral requirements,ethical principles and value pursuit,which highlights the ethical dimension and people's feelings of shared development theory,and emphasizes the proposal of this scientific concept to narrow our country's poverty.We will enrich the gap,maintain social harmony and stability,and promote the coordinated development of the economic and social development in the new era,and implement the unique value pursuits of precision poverty alleviation and ecological modernization.Fourthly,from the perspective of thinking,creating a mechanism of joint construction and sharing,and focusing on development priorities,the paper explores the path of sharing development.Based on the background of the major contradictions in the new era,this paper focuses on the ethical meaning and moral pursuit of shared development,and reveals the unique value pursuit of socialist sharing and development with Chinese characteristics.As a new development concept of the new era,shared development is a sublimation of the Chinese Communist Party on the concept of development.It scientifically answers the major theoretical and practical issues of who develops socialism with Chinese characteristics and how it develops.It is the realization of new socialist modernization.Strategic guidance for new missions.The concept of shared development vividly reflects the basic value orientation of taking people as the center,safeguarding socialist fairness and justice,and promoting the common prosperity of all members of society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sharing, Ethics, Value, Fairness and justice
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