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Analysis Of Cognitive Stress Inducements And Corresponding Strategies For Consecutive Interpreting

Posted on:2021-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on Daniel Gile's Effort Model of consecutive interpreting and author's own interpreting experience of the Danish study tour promotion conference,this thesis analyzes the interpreter's cognitive stress inducements and corresponding strategies in the course of interpreting,so as to prevent or reduce the impact of cognitive stress on the quality of interpreting output and to improve the performance of novice interpreters on the authentic interpreting activity and optimize the quality of interpreting.The report is divided into five chapters,including task description,process description,theoretical basis,case analysis and conclusions.The task description includes introduction to the task and theme and the significance of writing the report;the process description reviews the whole process of the author's interpreting practice in detail,including two stages: preparation of interpreting task and on-site interpreting.The third chapter is the theoretical basis in which the author mainly introduces Gile's Effort Model of consecutive interpreting,the concept and relevant content of cognitive stress inducements and strategies.In case analysis,the author mainly analyzes three cognitive stress inducements and three corresponding strategies in the comprehension stage and production stage by giving some examples.The cognitive stress inducements include long and complex sentences,high information density and proper nouns.According to those cognitive stress inducements,the author tries to employ corresponding strategies to reduce the negative effects and improve the quality of interpreting.The corresponding strategies include segmentation,conversion and visualization.The last chapter summarizes the report,which includes its conclusions,limitations and reflection.Through this report,the author finds that interpreter is usually influenced by various cognitive stress inducements,including long and complex sentences,high information density and proper nouns,which exist through the whole interpreting process,including comprehension stage and production stage.However,thosecognitive stress can be avoided and its negative impact can be reduced by applying some interpreting strategies as segmentation,conversion and visualization.These strategies can be successfully used to cope with various cognitive stress and inducements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cognitive stress inducements, corresponding strategies, consecutive interpreting, Effort Model
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