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A Report On The Translation Of Daughters Of The Lake (Excerpts)

Posted on:2021-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F ShenFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,many literary works have found their ways into the Chinese market,and so there is a great upsurge in the translation of novels.Mystery novels belong to popular literature and do not attract Chinese readers very much.As for the translated mystery novels,there is much room for improvement and most of the relevant research only scratched the surface.In the report the translator lists the problems he encountered in the translation of Daughters of the Lake and comes up with some practical coping strategies.Mystery novel is popular among readers,which is inseparable from its intricate plots.How to affect the transfer of culture and the reproduction of the plots is a most formidable task.Therefore,under the guidance of the principle of Peter Newmark's text typology,literary works should be given priority to communicative translation theory.The translator used case study method to analyze relevant content and finally summarize some useful strategies when dealing with those novels,such as word conversion,extension,sentence amplification and its reconstruction.This report consists of four parts.It first introduces the source and the background of this translation practice.And then it shows the preparations before translation and the theoretical foundation.Furthermore,it analyzes the relevant content by adapting Newmark's theory.Finally,it summarizes this translation practice,and points out findings and also limitations of this task.
Keywords/Search Tags:Daughters of the Lake, Mystery Novel, Text Typology, Communicative Translation
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