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The Aesthetic Redemption Of Nihilism

Posted on:2021-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330623973358Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since Nietzsche shouted the slogan "God is dead",the ghost of nihilism has wandered the vast European land.How to get out of nihilism? It is a common spiritual problem faced by modern people.Camus is also a member of the team looking for a spiritual way out for modern people.On the question of nihilism,Camus was deeply influenced by Nietzsche's thought,and believed that since Christianity and the Enlightenment,rationalism has masked the nihilistic nature of human existence,deceiving people,and the result is human weakness.Camus' research on nihilism touched on the fundamental issue of human existence and deeply realized the essence of human existence.He introduced human resistance,freedom,and passion from nothingness,and based it on religion,rationalism,and Nietzsche as expressions of nihilism.They thought that although they all started with resistance,they eventually departed from it.The source of this has led to negation of people.No matter whether it is devoting itself to religion,pursuing absolute rationalism,or following the path of Nietzsche to postmodernity,one cannot really get rid of the predicament of survival,but push people to the abyss of nihilism.Camus proposed to obtain the happiness of living in the world through aesthetic methods,use art to resist nihilism and nihilism,and lead modern people out of the spiritual dilemma of nihilism.This is a possible path.Judging from the existing research results,most of them are basically limited to the interpretation of Camus' thoughts from the perspectives of "absurdity" and "resistance".Among them,there are some new and unique insights,but generally they are not deep enough.Therefore,this article attempts to make an in-depth study of Camus' literary and artistic thoughts from a new perspective of nihilism.This article is divided into four chapters to discuss Camus' literary thoughts.The first chapter is a brief logical combing of Camus' idea from absurdity to resistance.Camus started from the real and cultural context of the twentieth century and felt the absurd living conditions of modern people.Under the influence of Nietzsche's thought,he traced the roots of absurdity to the nihilistic nature of human existence,and believed that this fundamental nihilism did not mean that human survival was a tragedy.Instead,it brought unlimited freedom Give people the possibility to assume their own destiny and create meaning in life.In the face of absurdity,Camus' attitude was resistance.The second chapter analyzes Camus' criticisms of several resistance paths in combination with Camus' literary works.Camus distinguished three types of resistance: religious resistance,rationalist resistance,and Nietzsche's resistance.He believes that all three types of resistance have betrayed the original intention of resistance in different ways,and have finally reduced to nihilism.The third chapter discusses the method of resistance advocated by Camus,that is,using art to resist nihilism and nihilism,leading modern people out of spiritual dilemma.He believes that art contains both the passion of resistance and the principles and limits of the requirements of resistance.It is the purest and most effective way of resistance and has the power to redeem human spirit.The fourth chapter puts Camus' literary and artistic thoughts into the context of western philosophy and literature in the 20 th century,and briefly analyzes the significance of Camus' literary and artistic thoughts and the enlightenment of Camus' literary and artistic thoughts to current literary creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Camus, nihilism, aesthetic salvation
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