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A Translation Report Of "Women In Combat:Issues For Congress"

Posted on:2018-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is a practice report based on the translation of a research report titled Women in Combat: Issues for Congress.The practice report is divided into four chapters: project description(Chapter 1),theoretical framework(Chapter 2),case analysis(Chapter 3)and conclusion(Chapter 4).In the first chapter,the reporter described the project by introducing the source text,the significance of the project and the preparation of the translation.The second chapter is devoted to the theoretical foundation,in which the reporter adopted Newmark's text typology as an analysis framework,mainly introduced text types and translation strategies,semantic translation and communicative translation.In the third chapter,the reporter made analysis and comparisons with abundant examples selected from the translation,aiming to expound the use of strategies and the corresponding effectiveness.The fourth chapter is a summary of the translation practice,which explains various phenomena and problems in the specific translation practice and the enlightenment the reporter had got from the practice.By writing this practice report,the reporter delved into a deep thinking about translation,and applied Newmark's translation theory in elaborating various phenomena in the translation,which has strengthened the reporter's consciousness of translation strategies,and has deepened her understanding of semantic translation and communicative translation.The writing of the report will surely help the reporter to improve the translation quality of the texts of same text type.At the same time,the reporter has realized shortcomings in this translated version as well as in her translation competence,and will do more practice,more hard work in the future to be a good translator.
Keywords/Search Tags:text-type, the style of a research report, Peter Newmark, translation strategies of a research report, semantic translation, communicative translation
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