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"Self-portrait" And Series Of “I Am The Master” Theme Creation-Research Reports

Posted on:2019-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T G Y L K XiaFull Text:PDF
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On their graduate studies in this paper impressions of the stages in the practice of painting,after I graduated College I was lucky to be able to continue to study painting,continued studies.This rare experience has taught me to oil painting and oil painting had a deeper understanding of history.By going out to the country to watch all kinds of exhibitions,new aesthetic ideas make me popular in Europe had a strong interest in contemporary art,and trying to own the full sense of the present,because there is always a social level,cultural background,out of general environmental community alone is not possible.Xinjiang is a multicultural place,now flowing traditional folk customs in Xinjiang,and many modern pluralistic cultures into one.Study and exploration on experimental phase I-creation in such the age background environment and itself sparked my creative inspiration,early works use large random brush strokes and bright colors,screen has special decorative pattern.Fantasy color description and the generation after the young women of this generation of the unique local spirit and thought.In these two years have received the influence of academic school of traditional arts,to today's fresh contemporary avant-garde art and concern and love,through a long-term plan after independent experimental painting,summarize the topics held a personal exhibition of paintings,it not only clean but also for their own past in the present moment Awareness.Looking for the occurrence and development of inner consciousness,this inner consciousness,including works of their own material,shape,color,movement and other factors.In painting language shang for has new of attempts to in works I shots painting State and image of into series of works,painting in the of models is now of himself,also plenty of I and around of age of women friends are,we of confused,confused,disturbed,not like go General route,performance has complex of social Xia,save with such group confused and and active oriented Sun of groups.Image of Uygur youth spirit and gives them unique expression of regional features of the times,while also showing their traditional and contemporary,free and wandering between dream and reality.In color and composition using the full composition later brilliant color at a different angle.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinjiang, Self-portrait, experience
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