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A Report On Translating The Ocean Of Life:the Fate Of Man And The Sea (Excerpts)

Posted on:2020-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F WangFull Text:PDF
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The ocean is the cradle of life on earth,and its inexhaustible resources and vastness of space are of great significance to the survival and development of human society.However,the utilization and environmental protection of marine resources and space have become the focal concern of the international community in recent years,due to the increasingly prominent impacts of global warming,overfishing and ocean acidification.This translation report focuses on the excerpts of “The Ocean of Life: The Fate of Man and the Sea”,written by Callum Roberts,a renowned marine biologist,a book on the fate of oceans and human beings.It is an informative text.I excerpted two typical chapters of the book as the source text that covers a series of marine environmental problems such as climate change,sea level rise,ocean acidification and overfishing,as well as factor analysis and countermeasure exploration.By enumerating a large number of typical cases,the author of the exerpts aims to explore effective measures for marine environmental protection,and call on humans to protect oceans and marine creatures,and men themselves.The main contents of this translation report are divided into five parts: an introduction of the translation project,description of the translation process,analysis of the source text,case study of translation in the perspective of skopos theory and conclusion.Case study is the most important part of this report.Under the guidance of skopos theory,the report conducted a deep survey of the source text,characteristics of informative texts and the translation process.Specific examples were sampled from the text for discussion of translation in the perspectives of lexicons,syntax and discourse.Finally,the translation strategies and methods of informative texts were summarized from the case study in this report.The report is designed to draw lessons from the case study of translation of informative texts for further reference and research in the dimension of translation.Besides,the translation helps boost our awareness of the destructiveness and irreversibility of marine environmental problems,and call on actions for marine protection provide,in an effort to build a maritime power in China,achieving sustainable development of the blue economy and constructing a community of human destiny through the Marine Silk Road.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marine protection, informative text, skopos theory, translation strategies
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