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Contradiction And Resolution In Krenek's Two Operas

Posted on:2021-04-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620961089Subject:Music and Dance Studies / Musicology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Krenek(1900-1991)is the best spokesman of weimar culture spirit.From his music creation,we can find the continuous change and the innovation of music concept,He has the sense of pursuit and participation,always keeps abreast of the Times.At the same time,the “Weimar times”was a period of turbulence but the collision of different cultures,during which countless artistic and cultural achievements were born.The essey can provide the necessary perspective to feature in-depth view of the conflict about Weimar period,observe his attitude and views on age.The paper will present the concrete contradictions in the Weimar period(mainly the 1920s),which directly led to the conception and creation of krenek's opera.As the carrier of displaying contradiction,Jonny spielt auf(1925-26)and Leben des Orest,(1928-29)has same aesthetic and characters?plot setting as the guidance of creation,jazz as a key reference factors have been used in the two operas.In the presentations of the two operas,both contain the same pair of antagonisms,which are described by krenek as the contradiction between "spirit" and "vitality".These two words condense the conflicts that Krenek thinks about the urgent need to solve in the current society,and run through the intention of the whole play.In both operas,Krenek tried to solve the contradiction in a better method.The difference in the way of solving the contradiction shows the composer's own thinking,but he finally found the best solution.In different operas,Krenek presented different solutions,and he was looking for an optimal way to resolve contradictions,which was not only reflected in the deepening of opera performance means,but also in his interpretation of the triple attributes of jazz,as well as the "original experience" composition means he used for reference.For the interpretation of a variety of performance can be clearly observed that Krenek strive to explore the contradictions of the times,think about the meaning of contradictions,and solve the path of opposition.We can also clearly observe the early opera style of Krenek,explore the clues of his creation and excavate the development of German opera under the Weimar's culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Krenek, Jonny spielt auf, Leben des Orest, Contradiction, Resolution
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