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On The Coal Mine Space Writing Of Liu Qingbang's Novels

Posted on:2020-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620955076Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liu Qingbang,as an influential writer in contemporary Chinese literary circles,is known as the "flag bearer of Chinese coal mine literature".Liu Qingbang's coal mine works have distinctive features and unique aesthetic personality.At present,scholars mainly study Liu Qingbang's characters,thematic connotations,human nature and underlying concern in his novels,and pay less attention to the spatial narrative in his novels.Therefore,based on Liu Qingbang's coal mine novel,this paper uses the related theory of space narration to explain the concrete connotation of coal mine space in the novel,and to explore the important role of coal mine space in Liu Qingbang's novel narration.This paper consists of three parts: introduction,body and conclusion.The introduction part systematically combs and summarizes the current situation of the development of coal mine literature and the research achievements of scholars on Liu Qingbang's related works,and briefly introduces the background and research significance of this paper.The main body is divided into three chapters.The first chapter analyzes the rich connotation of coal mining world in Liu Qingbang's novels.Coal mine space is a huge and complex space,which is composed of profound physical space and complex psychological space of miners.Coal mine space is not only the key link of novel narrative,but also a representation space with rich meaning.Therefore,the author further analyzes how the writer uses space to express the characters and explores the strategies of constructing the psychological space of the characters.The second chapter analyzes the complex relationship in coal minespace.Coal mine is located in the junction of urban and rural areas,which is a mixed space of urban and rural areas.Therefore,the author first discusses the relationship between the city and the countryside in the coal mine space;Secondly,the relationship between people in the coal mine space is close and full of contradictions.The author will discuss from three aspects: the contradiction between formal workers and rotation workers,the conflict between miners and managers,and the inequality between men and women;Finally,the author discusses the disharmonious relationship between human and nature in coal mine space.The third chapter discusses the artistic expression of coal mine space in Liu Qingbang's novels.Liu Qingbang uses narrative strategies and writing skills to highlight the sense of space in the novel and enhance the readers' sense of space.The author mainly discusses the three sections:the ingenious use of space scene,the repetition of image and plot,and the diversified narrative perspective.The concluding part points out that coal mine is the "space of existence" which carries the author's memory and unique experience.Coal mine space has an important influence on the structure,form,content and theme of the novel.It is not only the background of the development of the story plot,but also an important factor to form the specific narrative theme and aesthetic significance of coal mine novels.This paper takes the coal mine space as the breakthrough point to study Liu Qingbang's novel writing in coal mine,which has an enlightening effect on breaking through the breadth and depth of existing literature research and opening up new research space.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Qingbang, Coal Mine Novel, Coal Mine Space, Coal Mine Space Writing
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