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Visual Language Study Of Northeast Shadow From The Perspective Of Intangible Cultural Heritage

Posted on:2020-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y QuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Northeast shadow play is one of the important regional categories in the shadow art.The regional culture and artistic aesthetics have formed an artistic expression with regional labels,which has brought an extremely important influence on the development of the shadow art in the northeast and even the whole country.The northeast shadow play has gradually formed own styles due to factors such as living conditions,living standards,artistic aesthetics,educational level,etc.,reflecting the similar different artistic characteristics of different periods and different regions,which are conveyed through the unique artistic expression of shadow play.These aesthetic features have a cultural meaning across the era in the linguistic symbols of modern design.This paper took the intangible cultural heritage as the research background,and explored the relationship between the shadow art,modern design and the possibility of development by understanding the visual language of the northeast shadow category in the "Intangible Cultural Heritage culture".Firstly,the process and development of various types of shadow play in the northeast were established,the production techniques and crafts,dynamic performance forms and static decoration.In short,analyzing the visual language of Northeast Shadow Film and summarizing its artistic form is a deeper analysis and understanding of its aesthetic value and humanistic spirit.By redesigning the northeast shadow art elements and applying them to modern design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-legacy culture, northeast shadow, visual language, visual design
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