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Research On The Transformation Of Contemporary Art Education Based On Tuber Thinking

Posted on:2020-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620470821Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through a one-year field trip,we will face the existing problems of art education in primary and secondary schools,and cooperate with more than 100 questionnaires to conduct a survey of first-line art teachers and 9-18 year old student groups to understand the realistic teaching resistance of art teachers and students' art education in schools.view.According to the analysis of the questionnaire,11.76% of the art teachers reported that their courses were often crowded,and the amount of class hours was fully guaranteed,accounting for only 52.94% of the total number of surveys.It can be seen that although today's art education has made different degrees of progress in China,there is still a significant lack of attention in art education in primary and secondary schools.Therefore,the lack of enlightenment education leads to the general lack of aesthetics of students,lack of common sense of art,low awareness of innovation,and the phenomenon of “blind follow-up” and “follow the trend”.In view of this,this paper proposes the stratification and advanced connotation of the art education from elementary school to middle school to university integration according to the diversified open thinking mode of Deleuze's "tuber" theory.That is,elementary school-aesthetic interest enlightenment,middle school-humanistic feelings training,university-thinking expression training,interlocking,in the same vein.Taking the 16th-level art graduate training program as a case,the paper demonstrates the significance of "integrated" art education and the necessity of the university to enter contemporary art thinking and focus on thinking expression training.Thus,the interpretation of art learning is a process of lifelong learning,and the creation of a learning atmosphere,in addition to the emphasis on enlightenment education,should also move the classroom of art learning to life and to the public.Turn the way of art learning into a "tuber",so that it can be spread across the corners of society and break the traditional concept of education.In other words,art learning must not be done from shallow to deep or through large chunks of time.The learning under the "tuber" thinking is to use the decentralized and hierarchical thinking mode and its own divergence to bring us in art learning.New Experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:tuber thinking, contemporary art, art education, educational transformation, sharing era, cultural sharing
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