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The Study Of Xenophobic Movement In France During 1931-1932

Posted on:2021-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S T HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620468481Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
France's xenophobic movement from 1931-1932 was a social reaction after the Great Depression in 1929.It was a movement dominated by nationalism and supplemented by racism and anti-Semitism.It mainly targeted foreign workers and foreigners who competed in the tight job market with French people.It used the center-right wing political media as the main form of propaganda.Besides,it used industry trade unions and political organizations as the main promoters and lobbying forces.Finally,the government issued an anti-foreigner bill as the result of this exercise.This thesis is mainly divided into three aspects.The first chapter is about the background and facts of the xenophobic movement.The second chapter is about the image of foreigners in French society at that time.The third chapter is about the expression of foreigners themselves during this period.The thesis shows that,during the interwar period,the social integration and identity of foreigners were affected by the French government,industry unions,and political groups.The French medias' attitude towards foreigners was divided.The center-right wing media took the interests of French citizens as the primary consideration,while the left-wing media was in support of foreign workers and Jews,opposite to colonialism.The attitude of foreigners towards the xenophobic movement was changed from the initial silence to active actions,united with the French left-wing organizations to oppose the French government's anti-foreigner policy.In this process,the cultural identity of "foreigners" has three characteristics,serving as French government's labor forces,French people's work competitors,and its own political and community organizers.The display of these three identities also reflected the dilemma of French nation state structure,market mechanism,democratic system,and universal values during the interwar period.In the context of the economic crisis,they showed incompatible contradictions.
Keywords/Search Tags:xenophobic movement, The Great Depression, nation state, French Third Republic
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