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Poetry And Dance Mingle

Posted on:2021-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LiFull Text:PDF
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As an artistic product of contemporary cultural construction,Chinese classical dance has its unique aesthetic standards and profound artistic connotation.As an important aesthetic category in traditional Chinese art,artistic conception is closely related to the connotation of traditional Chinese culture.Among the traditional Chinese art forms,poetry,painting and calligraphy are the most concerned about the creation of artistic conception,while these three art forms are closely related to dance art,and there are many similarities in artistic expression techniques.Therefore,in the creation of contemporary Chinese classical dance art,it is necessary to grasp this extremely national characteristic artistic expression method and seek the dance style in the artistic commonness The way of development of GE's characteristics,tap the potential of creation and performance,and improve the connotation of aesthetic level.As a representative traditional art form,Chinese classical dance has unique style characteristics and rhythm characteristics.Its artistic conception pursuit can resonate with the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese traditional classical literature poetry and deeply rooted in the soil of Chinese traditional thoughts and culture.It is the unique symbol of Chinese classical dance and the essence of Chinese classical dance.With the change of society,the artistic conception plays an important role in the creation of Chinese classical dance,and it permeates into the works.The unique artistic conception puts people in the artistic space,gives people the aesthetic feeling of "poetic and picturesque",lets people get rid of the worldly miscellaneous,and enter a subjective,illusory and idealized world.Through the analysis of the artistic conception of Chinese classical dance,this paper analyzes the close relationship between poetry andChinese classical dance,and discusses the artistic conception of poetry with words as the carrier,how to show it through the way of Chinese classical dance with dance as the carrier.Using the expression of artistic conception of Chinese classical dance,combining the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese classical dance with the cultural connotation of "artistic conception" in poetry,we can understand the expression of "artistic conception" in Chinese classical dance in a real sense.The use of poetry expression techniques through appropriate dance language to grasp and transmit excellent Chinese traditional culture rhythm and aesthetic meaning.
Keywords/Search Tags:poetry, Chinese classical dance, artistic conception, value
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