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An Attempt Of Improving Chinese Cultural Status

Posted on:2021-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620463394Subject:History of education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On June 28th,1923,The San Francisco held an important conference called The World Federation of Education Association.The object of this World Meeting was to secure international co-operation in educational enterprise,and it was fully justified by social conditions that is bullied by other developed countries.The thesis try to study the Panorama of China took part in The World Federation of Education Association in 1923,revels that China how to spread own culture and re-established educational position.Taking part in The World Federation of Education Association and spreading own culture were an inevitable tendency for China.At the end of the Qing Dynasty,China often suffered from foreign aggression and influence international statue,more and more people were aware of the importance of education.In the early 1920 s,the World Federation of Education Association advocated peace and American educationist invited Chinese,this is the reason for China to take part in the federation.Besides,the history of the Sino-U.S.educational exchanges and cooperation?the achievement education reform and development educational position were favorable terms.The historical process can be divided into three stages:preparations before the Conference?participation's process and influence.In the progress of preparation,with the help of government?ministry of education and other educationists Chinese Nat'l Association for the Advancement of Education was the leading force,tried their best to prepare conference,including choosing representatives?material about Chinese educational achievement and fund.During the conference,there is a compete between China and other countries,in order to show Chinese culture.China also reserved the right to pass the bill and was asked to sit on committees and had branch in Asia.By the end of the conference,Chinese representatives came back to China and advocated performance,its real estate development was at around of high tide.Since September 18 th Incident later,China was busy war and had no time to develop education.Henceforth The World Federation of Education Association was no more held,China also exited the historical stage.Author try returning to the original condition about China take part in The World Federation of Education Association,rethink complications and need to reposition itself.It is helpful for us to reorganize the history.
Keywords/Search Tags:The World Federation of Education Association, Chinese Nat'l Association for the Advancement of Education, Chinese educational statues, Guo Bingwen
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