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Literary Texts From The Perspective Of The Third Retention

Posted on:2021-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330614957211Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the theoretical perspective of Stigler,this paper studies the literary text as the third retention.Today's era can be called the digital information age,in which naming logic is a description of technical characteristics.The culture and society of the this era are undergoing all-round reform and transformation.Literature is an important aesthetic dimension of human spiritual civilization.Profound changes have taken place in this context.Literature is facing the criticism of literary generalization and literary extinction,including the concern about the usurpation of creative subjectivity by artificial intelligence.This paper tries to analyze the literary text from the perspective of the third retention,so as to respond to the worries about these changes.In the first chapter,the author analyzes and sorts out the two key concepts of the third retention and the literary text to serve as the theoretical basis of the whole paper.The concept put forward by Stiegler in the three volumes of TECHNOLOG Y AND TIME is the material carrier o f the third memory,which is extended on the basis of Husserl's theory of first memory and second memory.Third retention takes technology as an essential part of being human.Literary text is regarded as a structural factor and a woven symbol.Literary te xt is constructed,in which there are various complex forces competing with each other.The third retention literary text under the visual threshold is to treat the literary text as a structured and woven technical object.From this perspective,the creation,dissemination and reception of the text can be re-examined.The second chapter of this paper discusses the carrier form of "literary text as the third retention object" in different periods and summarizes its existence form.Since the emergence of literature,with the progress of productivity,various forms of carrier have come on stage one after another,from spoken language,to the early slate,animal bone,the emergence of paper,from printing to electronic products,after thousands of years.The existence form of literary text as the third retention includes the form of consciousness,the form of symbol and the form of materialization.Among them,the forms of consciousness include individual consciousness and collective consciousness,symbolic forms include sensible symbols and binary symbols,and materialized forms include artificial forms and social forms.The third chapter discusses the characteristics of literary text as the third retention.The main characteristics of literary text as the third retention are: timeliness,narrative,process of industrialization and field.Timeliness refers to the fact that literary text,as a technical object,also becomes a time object.Narrative feature itself as a kind of technical means.In this era when multiple media can combine into the field of text symbol and image symbol,it produces a powerful persuasive force.Process industrialization refers to the emergence of literary text as the third retention of material,which has entered the field of social prod uction and carried out the characteristics of "process industry".Field localization refers to that when literary text exists as a kind of technical object,it is naturally placed in the relations of production and is more directly affected by the relations of production in society compared with the emotional and aesthetic value of literature.This leads to the question of the classicization of literature.The fourth chapter discusses some phenomena in the history of literature from the third retention.The se include oral literature,the literary republic of the enlightenment,and the phenomenon of literature in the latest digital technology.In oral literature,"formulae" and fixed structures constitute a set of "devices" of spoken language system,because such "devices" by virtue of our use of language,thus internalized into our thinking,but also long-term effect on our cultural memory.The republic of the literati owes its emergence to the movement of letters,to the universality of printing,to the role of publishers,and in turn to the operation of these mechanisms,or to the fact that the literary texts themselves are part of them.The republic of the literati has no walls.In a sense,it is a social group of knowledge sharing and knowledge transparenc y.This paper gives an example of the literary text in digital technology with the interactive image work invisible guardian.The conclusion predicts the possible future of literature to a certain extent,and draws an optimistic conclusion that literature will not die out,and will take on more characteristics of The Times in the future.However,this is also a risky challenge for us.
Keywords/Search Tags:Third retention, Literary texts, Stigler
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