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Brief Talk About The Utilization Of Rhetoric In Classical Poetry In Bird-and-flower Painting

Posted on:2021-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P QuFull Text:PDF
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The original meaning of rhetoric in fact is to modify speeches,that is to say,when taking advantage of language,a variety of methods can be adopted to get better expression effect of the art.As an art of expression,various rhetorical devices have always been an important part of traditional Chinese literature,especially poetry.Because "poetry and painting as one" is the important core factor of Chinese traditional culture system,the rhetorical devices of poetry are the same as the artistic expression of Chinese traditional flower and bird painting.Therefore,the rhetorical devices of poetry are also the main way to express the art of flower and bird painting.Based on this,this article not only discusses poetry,but also painting,and combines my graduation creation "Return to Nature" to discuss the concrete application of rhetorical expression of flower and bird painting art creation.Proper rhetoric can make the language of poetry more vivid,especially express the emotion and lyric better,which is in accordance with the bird-and-flower painting mainly featured in lyrical expression.When appreciating poetry,we often come about various associations and integrated scenes,in order to experience the ideological level and connotative emotion that the author wanted to convey,which are achieved through the combination of various rhetorical devices.Making utilization of rhetoric in poetry creation can construct the “realm” of poetry,so as to enhance the taste and style of the poetry.While using rhetoric in the creation process of bird-and-flower painting,is a more important means to mold the painter's inward world,improve the effect of the painting and increase the reader's empathy.The research of the operational mode of rhetoric on bird-and-flower painting,can let us better feel the ideological realm and emotion conveyed in the works of bird-and-flower painting handed down from generation to generation,and learn the creative thoughts and perspectives,so as tocapture experience and culture accumulation for our works.Thereby,the goals of making the works full of strong emotion and profound connotation instead of inane appearance can be achieved..This essay discusses the here and faraway similar relationship between the traditional bird-and-flower painting art and the rhetorical devices of the classical poetry,in order to explore the integration of painting and poetry.Although the form of artistic conveyance is different,they pursue the same poetic realm,which is rich in the essential characteristics of Chinese culture and art.In addition,it is combined with the contemporary bird-and-flower painting creation during comparison,especially our own painting art creation.The purpose of discussing poetic thoughts and context is to explore how to improve the artistic expression language and the cultural connotation of works.The essay is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,and the second,third and fourth chapters are the cores.The following are the summaries of the gist and central argument of each chapter.The first chapter: To put forward question and study the significance of the propositional meaning,as well as the current situation,and brief state the study purpose and contents of the study.The second chapter: Traditional Chinese bird-and-flower painting and poetry are all important manifestation pattern of Chinese traditional esthetics,with mutual origin,development and pursuit.This chapter starts from the traditional bird-and-flower painting's development and change under the influence of “integration of poetry and painting”,and puts forward that the artistic concept of "the integration of poetry and painting" is the premise of applying rhetoric devices of poetry in traditional bird-and-flower painting.It further elaborates that the poetic connotation of traditional bird-and-flower painting is realized through the important bond of rhetoric.The third chapter: This chapter expounds the definite operational mode of rhetorical devices in the creation of traditional bird-and-flower painting,and lists the works of famous bird-and-flower painters in all ages for analysis via three aspects,such as subject content,emotional expression and spiritual realm concretization.Therefore,the utilization form and effect of rhetorical devices in the creation of traditional bird-and-flower painting can be analyzed.The forth chapter: This chapter expounds the utilization of frequently-used traditional poetic rhetorical device in bird-and-flower painting,and combines with theworks in all ages and the graduation creation process of mine,so as to talk about my views of rhetorical device and how to practical use it in creation.The significance and function of using rhetoric in the creation of contemporary bird-and-flower painting are discussed,so as to improve the cultural connotation and achieve artistic expression language technique of works.Epilogue: The conclusion part of the essay.An excellent bird-and-flower painting is not only doomed to facsimile the natural image,instead to integrate the author's feelings and subjective values to the paintings.Applying poetry rhetoric for the creation of bird-and-flower painting,can make us better integrate personal emotions and life experiences into the works,and let the works no more inane nor pale.It is impossible to generate good works only by blindly pursuing techniques and depicting nature.Boldly making use of the rhetorical device,such as "metaphor","exaggeration",“bi-xing”,“entendre” and so on,can endow strong appeal and vitality to the ordinary things around and in the nature,which make the empathy come about between the paintings and the audiences.This is my goal and direction of my exploration of artistic language in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bird-and-flower painting, Rhetorical device, Poetry, Emotion expression
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