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The Correlation Of Junior High School English Teachers' Classroom Discourse With Students' Participation In English

Posted on:2021-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YangFull Text:PDF
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In China,due to the lack of English language environment,students' activities in English class are particularly important.Taking an active part in English class activities is an important way for students to learn knowledge and improve their ability to use English.And the participation of students in classroom activities is closely related to teachers' classroom discourse.Comprehensible language by teachers in English classes is an important source and input for junior high school students to learn English.Teachers' classroom discourse is crucial to the success of education in class.English teachers need to provide students with enough comprehensible language input in class and give learners the opportunity to communicate in English to the maximum extent,so that students can participate in English class more actively.When students actively participate in the English class,they can understand and absorb knowledge better as well as improve the ability to use English comprehensively.In addition,the new round of curriculum reform also emphasizes the importance of student's subjective education.In English class,if teachers find ways to mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of students to participate in class activities actively,the effectiveness of English class teaching will be improved.However,English teachers in junior high school do not pay enough attention to their own classroom discourse,failing to improve students' classroom participation by adjusting their discourse.Previous studies have shown that teachers can increase students' comprehensible input by adjusting their classroom discourse to promote students' participation and interaction in English class.Therefore,knowing the current situation of English teachers' classroom discourse,students' participation and the specific impact of teachers' classroom discourses on students' participation can provide a reference for junior high school English teachers to adjust their own discourse in class.The English teacher's classroom discourse in this study is divided into three categories: presentation discourse,feedback discourse and questioning discourseaccording to teaching function and students' participation refers to students' participation in behavior,cognition and emotion in English class.The research is based on Junior High School English classes and the following three specific research questions are raised: Firstly,what's the current situation of English teachers' classroom presentation discourse,feedback discourse and questioning discourse in junior high school? Secondly,what is the current situation of junior high school students' behavioral participation,emotional participation and cognitive participation in English class? Thirdly,what's the correlation of each type of junior high school English teachers' discourse with different dimensional participation?In this study 283 students from Grade 7 to Grade 9 of a junior high school in Shanghai were selected to work as research subjects.Questionnaires,interviews,classroom observation were used to obtain the data and SPSS22.0 was used to analyze the collected data.In order to make the survey results more comprehensive and increase the credibility of the survey results,seven junior high school English teachers in the school and 10 students were interviewed after the class observation.Finally,the data obtained from the questionnaires,classroom observations and interviews were analyzed and discussed.The results of the research are as follows: Firstly,the current situation of junior high school English teachers',especially the young and inexperienced teachers' classroom presentation discourse,questioning discourse and feedback discourse are not satisfactory,which need reflection and improvement.Secondly,the behavioral participation,cognitive participation and emotional participation of junior high school students in English class need to be improved.Junior high school students have relatively more behavioral and emotional participation,but less participation in cognitive participation,especially in the use of deep strategies.Thirdly,there is a correlation between junior high school English teachers' classroom discourse and students' participation,and junior high school English teachers' classroom presentation discourse,questioning discourse and feedback discourse have a significant impact on students' classroom behavior participation,cognitive participation and emotional participation.Based on the above findings,the author puts forward some suggestions for junior high school English teachers' classroom discourse like: Junior high schoolEnglish teachers should reduce the number of classroom discourses and improve the quality of classroom discourses;Junior high school English teachers should set up different types of questions with different difficulty;Junior high school English teachers should also improve their ability to give students appropriate and diverse comments and feedback,hoping to help junior high school English teachers pay attention to their classroom discourse and try to adjust their own classroom discourse,so as to promote students' participation in English class and improve the effectiveness of English teaching in junior high school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Junior high school English teaching, teachers' discourse, students' participation
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