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A Study On The Japanese Chinese-character Novels Of Miki Aika

Posted on:2019-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611953637Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the Han Dynasty,with the gradual introduction of Chinese characters into Japan,Chinese Confucian culture and sinology had become increasingly influential on Japanese culture.The introduction of Chinese characters and the exchange of Chinese and Japanese cultures has laid a certain foundation for Japanese Chinese novels creation.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,China and Japan had more frequent contact in economic and cultural exchanges.A large number of Ming and Qing Dynasties novels had gone to Japan across the sea.These novels were loved by the Japanese with the intriguing plot,vivid characters,beautiful illustrations and it shook the Japanese literary circles at that time.Japanese writers began to create their works by referring to the form of Chinese novels.In that time,a lot of excellent Chinese-character novelists emerged such as Hattori Nankaku(????),Okajima Kanzan(????),Narushima Ryuuhoku(????),Makuchi Jun(???),Miki Aika(????)and so on.And excellent Chinese-character novels emerged such asThe romance of the Taiping Ji(?????),Liu Qiao Xin Zhi(????)and so on.In the Meiji era(1868-1912),the Chinese novelist Miki Miwa was one of the best.,who was deeply influenced by the Chinese literatures,and whose Chinese novels created The Romance of Happy Couple(???????)and The Tale of Xinqiao Bajing(????????)both mimicked the beginning of the Qing Dynasty Chinese gifted scholar and beautiful novels,and had a specific historical and cultural background of the Meiji period.To a certain extent,it had a powerful and realistic reproduction of the social scenes of that time.This thesis combs the generation and development of Japanese novels in Japan and the life of Chinese-character novelist Miki Oka.It explores the opportunity for the creation of Miki Oka Chinese novels,under the special background of the two cultures of Sinology and Western Learning alternated in the Meiji era.The two Chinese novels The Romance of Happy Couple(???????)and The Tale of Xinqiao Bajing(????????)of Miki Oka's novels as the individual cases were studied in details,who were analyzed from the aspects of story plot,character image,language characteristics,and novel concepts.It is pointed out that these two novels generally followed the patterns of Chinese novels of talented people and beautiful ladies,but the story plot settings are more pursuing twists and turns;the characters not only retained the characteristics of traditional talented and beautiful people,but also gave them the Idiosyncratics of the Japanese nation;The language used vernacular,breaking the characteristics of classical Chinese writing since the Edo period and were more novel and unique;On the one hand,the concept of novels continues the literary concept of Chinese traditional novels.On the other hand,it would imperceptibly integrate Japanese original literary ideas into works Highlighted the unique Japanese style and modern flavor.In general,Miki's Chinese novels can be said to be influenced by the literatures of both China and Japan.Its story content and literary form have largely drawed lessons from ancient Chinese novels.At the same time,according to the social reality during the Meiji era,the story models and character image had changed,who had preserved the uniqueness of Japanese cultures.This article has a great significance for understanding the similarities and differences between Chinese and Japanese literature and cultural differences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese-character novels, Miki Aika, The Romance of Happy Couple(???????), The Tale of Xinqiao Bajing(????????)
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