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A Study Of Roman Royal Women

Posted on:2021-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611952872Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the development of modern civilization,various system reforms cannot be separated from the protection of women's rights and interests.The importance of the protection of women's rights can be seen.It is not difficult to find that women's status is closely related to the changes of social systems in the history of Rome.Ancient Roman royal women help to better understand the situation of the ancient Roman Empire.This article is divided into three parts of the introduction.In the early period of the Roman Empire,the "high" status of the female family in the royal family was a relative concept.Compared with women in the lower levels of society,they have greater power and higher status in the family,which has a certain impact on the development of the current society.However,in Rome,which is based on patriarchy,royal women are also political servicers,serving the needs of the country and achieving the purpose of ruling class.In the early Roman Empire,the social status of royal women changed dramatically.From the perspective of marriage,women gradually gain the right to make marriage decisions,and have a certain freedom of divorce.Violation punishment has also evolved from punishing women alone to punishing both men and women.Economic activities and economic status have been improved to a certain extent;from a political perspective,women 's direct participation in political life is limited,and they generally adopt proposals to their husbands,who deal with affairs based on wife 's suggestions and change political decisions.Although Julia-Claude dynasty royal women did not have actual official positions,they had actual political power.Their marriage is also sad,just to serve politics.Although the social status of the royal women from the early days of the Roman Republic to the beginning of the empire continued to rise and gained extremely high freedom,in essence,the social status has not been lifted from the influence of patriarchy,and the promotion of social status is still limited.Although the royal women are under the control of powerful "husband power" or "father power",their spirit is still worthy of praise from future generations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rome, Julia-Claude dynasty, Royal women
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