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Study Of Wang Yue's Poems And Articles

Posted on:2021-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C P ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611461092Subject:Ancient literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wang Yue(1426-1498),born in Xunxian County,Henan Province,alternate name Shichang.At the age of thirty-eight(1463),because of the police in Datong,he got the recognition of Zhengtong Emperor with his excellent appearance and speech,and was appointed governor of Datong,starting his career as an official of the minister's chief of staff.Since then,he has made outstanding achievements in the northern border area,ensuring the local social stability and production development.Therefore,he has become the first trilateral general system in Chinese history.His achievements can also be compared with those of Wang Ji and Wang Shouren,and he is one of the three ministers who won the title of marquis because of his achievements in the Ming Dynasty.Later scholars mostly focus on Wang Yue's military contribution,but in fact,he has made great achievements in the field of literature.He wrote 1179 poems and songs and 73 articles in his whole life.His poems and articles have various themes,rich contents and slow language.Poetry has the heroic style of Li Bai and the gloomy charm of Du Fu.Most of the articles are related to people's livelihood.This paper takes these 1248 poems as the research object and discusses them in four chapters.The first chapter mainly studies Wang Yue's life,family,friends and writings.By consulting Wang Yue's Chronicles compiled by Wang Shaoyong,the great grandson of Wang Yue,and Wang zhengmeng,the xuansun of Wang Yue,as well as various historical documents,local chronicles,time and people collections and other relevant materials,this paper roughly combed Wang Yue's life course,official experience and friends,inspected Wang Yue's poetry interaction and mutual influence with friends,collected and sorted out Wang Yue's works and versions as far as possible.The second chapter discusses Wang Yue's personality and literary point of view,and comments on the new changes and shortcomings in his literary theory.Wang Yue advocates Confucianism,loyalty,filial piety,attaches great importance to moral education,and cares about the lower class people.He has the most prominent ideal pursuit of Confucianism,which is to establish life for the living people.These thoughts had a crucial influence on his literary creation.They advocated from temperament to righteousness,from noble spirit to Literature,from poetry to worldly education and so on,which were mostly consistent with the traditional Confucian poetic education and literary theory.The third chapter elaborates the ideological content and artistic features of wang yue's poetry.Wang yue's poems and thoughts include the reflection of the war,the plight of the common people and soldiers,the attack and condemnation of the corrupt officials,the yearning for his hometown,relatives and friends,and so on.Wang yue's lyrics and songs reflect his contempt for fame and wealth in life and his longing for the reclusive life.The fourth chapter analyzes the general style and artistic features of wang yue's articles.According to style,it can be divided into five categories: a literary form,sonata,gift preamble,biography and other styles.Wang yue's a literary form works remodelled and advocated progenitor SAO and by Han.Other articles have their own characteristics.In art,the writing style is elegant,highly rational and so on.On the whole,through the systematic study of Wang Yue's life,thought,literary theory and literary creation,this paper tries to draw a true picture of Wang Yue's life,creative situation and inner world,so as to further understand the special minister with both culture and martial arts in the Ming Dynasty and clarify his reasonable position in the literary history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, Wang Yue, poetry, literary theory
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