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Research Of Suishi Fu In The Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2021-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611452776Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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In view of the current scarcity of special studies on Tang Dynasty Fu in the Tang Dynasty,the author believes that there is still a lot of research space in Tang's Suishi Fu.The emergence of any kind of literary phenomenon can not be separated from the deep social background at that time,and the development of Suishi Fu in the Tang Dynasty is naturally inseparable from its cultural development.Therefore,this article analyzes the Suishi Fu in different periods of Tang Dynasty from its time background,content style,and creative subject through time period.It tries to sort out the development and changes of Suishi Fu in Tang Dynasty.This article is divided into three chapters,according to the development of the history of the Fu.The first chapter studies the creation of Sushi Fu during the period of nearly one hundred years from the beginning of Tang Dynasty to the time of Emperor Xuanzong(AD 618-712),mainly focuses on the creative groups at the time,as well as the themes,styles,etc.In the early Tang Dynasty,Suishi Fu was mainly created by literary scholars with rich literary accumulation.The theme and creative style also continued the creation of Suishi Fu in the Wei and Jin dynasties.The atmosphere of the new dynasty has not yet opened.The second chapter studies the 67 years history from the reign of Emperor Xuanzong to Dali(AD 712-779)in the prosperous Tang dynasty,starting from the contemporary background and creative groups at that time.Creation for analysis.During the prosperous Tang Dynasty,the country developed an affluent economy and its society was stable.In this period,Fu Shi ushered in the first climax.Due to the development of the experimental fu system during this period,not only did the number of creations increase,but also the style of fu changed.It was no longer a rhetorical work,and the literati of the Tang Dynasty incorporated personal ambitions and ambitions to build achievements In the creation of Suishi Fu,a positive and prosperous Tang style was presented.The style of Fu at the time of the year also changed the style of a single endowment,forming a grand situation of "combination of both bodies".The creation of Suishi Fu during this period opened up a unique style with the spirit of Tang Dynasty.The third chapter,because there is no obvious difference in the creation of Suishi Fu in the middle and late Tang Dynasty,the two periods are combined into a chapter for research,that is,the 120 years of Dezong's throne to the fifth generation(779-904 AD).At this time,the Tang Dynasty had experienced the Anshi turmoil.The theme of SuiShi Fu 's creative content was more about admonishing Jingshun and cultivating things.The political significance of Fu was stronger than the first two periods.And Lvli Fu began to appear as a new theme,which reflected the exploration and knowledge of the mystery of the four seasons.Stylistically,the development of Fu in the middle and late Tang dynasties has already become a "dominant family" in Fu,and the creation of Fu in the old age is mainly based on the style of Suishi Fu.Based on the staged study of the Tang Dynasty Fu,the author sorted out the theme of the Tang Dynasty Fu,the development trend of the style in Tang Dynasty,and the influence of the background of the time on its development.With the development of the age,the theme of the year-old fu has become richer and richer.From the original single festivals and sceneries,the new content such as festival celebrations and the calendar Fu were gradually added.The Fu's style after experiencing many style attempts,finally came under the orthodox law of Fu at that time—Lü Fu.
Keywords/Search Tags:Suishi Fu, Tang dynasty, festival, Endowment research
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