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Fiction Under Philosophical Understanding

Posted on:2021-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605976904Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Milan Kundera as a writer has a deep thinking on the art of fiction.His collection of essays "The Art of Fiction","The Testament Betrayed","The Veil",and "Meeting"expressed unique theoretical viewpoints,and formed a novel theoretical viewpoint based on philosophy.These poetic theoretical texts discuss the complex relationship between fiction as a philosophy and the world,and explore the unique features of fiction as a philosophy in terms of its composition and elements.These discourses provide a new perspective that is different from traditional novel theory.Through the analysis of these essays by Kundera,we can sort out the inner logic of Kundera's novel theory and explore its theoretical value.Thesis consists of four parts,The first part focuses on the current research status of Kundera and clarifies the academic value of this topic.The second part explores Kundera's exposition on the distance between the "text world" and the "knowledge" and "meaning"world in the novel,and specifically elaborates the relationship between the real world,historical world,cultural world,and "existence" world.The third part discusses Kundera's understanding of the composition of the novel's text with structure and characters as the core,focusing on Kundera's elaboration of the functions of novel structure and character behavior in philosophical expression.The fourth part discusses Kundera's unique perception of the elements of the novel and explore the humorous spirit,digressive description,symbol construction,and quirky phenomena,which are considered important by Kundera in the formation of the "philosophical" tone of the novel.Finally,the important reference and practical significance of Kundera's novel creation theory for contemporary novels are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Milan Kundera, view of novel, writing theory, philosophical
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