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The Research Of The Female Daoist

Posted on:2021-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K L XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605469861Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rulers of the Song Dynasty attached great importance to the use of Taoism,in such a background,Nu Guan(female daoist priests)obtain the survival and activities of space.The rulers of the Song Dynasty gave Taoism a lot of support and preferential treatment.However,the number of registered Nu Guan was still very small compared with that of the male daoist priests and monks.Although the total number of historical female champions is relatively small,they still exert some influence in all aspects of society.According to the historical records,the reasons for entering the Tao are different.Most of the women entering the Tao in the upper society are demoted to the Tao because of crime,while those in the lower class enter the Tao because of religious belief.They play different roles because of their status.In politics,the two empresses in the upper class Nu Guan were condemned for consort contending for favor with the adulterous officials,and were eventually demoted into Taoism,which caused quite a political disturbance.After empress Guo of Ren Zong entered the Tao,the prime minister and the Taijian became enemies,and they were at each other's throats.The empress Meng of Zhe Zong enter the Tao because the prime minister and the chancellors conspired to gain power.The incident of the two empresses's entrance into the Tao exposed the malpractice of the Civil Service Group in the Song Dynasty.In the meantime,The lower class Nu Guan also took part in political life by means of religious skills,or they were more honored and favored.Nu Guan also colluded and conspired with the courtiers,such as Wu Zhigu and Liu Demiao.It can be seen that the role of Nu Guan in Song Dynasty politics is not all positive.In Literature,the Song Dynasty Nu Guan has contributed much.The Literati mostly left more poems about Nu Guan because of their respect them.In these poems,some of them depict the beauty of Nu Guan.In the poems,some of the communication between Nu Guan and the Literati,and they even become friends.Among Nu Guan,.Wang Qinghui and Cao Daochong are the two best.Wang Qinghui creates the Mang Jianghong,in which the deep love of patriotism and the grief of the country's subjugation lead the literati to sing in unison.Wang qing-hui and Wang yuan-liang had a deep affection for each other,and they left a lot of poems for each other.Nu Guan Cao Daochong,is especially good at poetry,which can not only compose poems with rhyme,but also express her moral purport in her poems.Her poems often have a moral style.In addition,Nu Guan Gong Suran's painting "Ming Fei Chu Sai Tu" is the song dynasty line painting masterpiece.It also proves that Nu Guan has the prominent performance in the Song Dynasty Art.Academically,Nu Guan Cao Daochong has made a lot of contributions.She not only annotates Laozi,but also creates Taoist works such as the song of Ling Yuan Da Dao and the Taixijue.Cao's interpretation of Laozi was lost,but now we can get it based on Peng si-jing,Dong si-jing and Li Lin's.Cao's annotation of Laozi,on the basis of which he emphasized inner alchemy and double cultivation of life,belonged to Zhong Lu Nan Zong's inner alchemy system.It's annotation mode and emphasis embodied the characteristics of the annotation of Song Dynasty's Lao Xue,and And the song of "Ling Yuan Da Dao" and "Taixijue" is the specific explanation of the inner cultivation method of tranquilizing the mind and nourishing the Qi,which also contributes to the Taoist theory of inner alchemy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Dynasty, Taoism, Nu Guan, Wang Qinghui, Cao Daochong
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