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Surrealism And The Concrete Embodiment Of Mental Space

Posted on:2021-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C PengFull Text:PDF
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Art creation is closely connected with human psychological activities,while the painting of Surreal orientation focuses on presenting the dreamlike visual effect and absurd fantasy content,so using surrealistic style language to express psychological phenomena and activities is the closest and most consistent way.Mental space is a complex of psychological phenomena,a virtual construction space of memory,imagination,dreams and emotions.The representativeness of mental space is reflected in the artist's use of metaphorical elements or symbols(including the main characters and scenes with obvious characteristics)to construct a fictional scene with the subjective imagination ability.From the artist's personal point of view,it symbolizes a part of his psychological space.This paper analyzes the characteristics of surrealist painting to demonstrate the relevance and possibility of mental space and surrealist orientation,and applies this creative concept to graduation creation to promote and improve their artistic creation ability and level through artistic practice.This paper is divided into three parts.The first part is to introduce the source of creative inspiration,the concept of mental space,the relationship between surrealistic painting and mental space,and the performance of Modern Printmaking.This paper focuses on the motivation of artists' choosing surrealistic style as their creation method,what is the psychological motivation of their creation based on this feature,and combs out the features,techniques and presentation methods of surrealistic art in the psychological space of expression;the second part is a summary of the research on related artists' works and their own creation experience,The third part is the practice process of graduation creation "morning dream collection".This paper introduces the creation materials,composition and painting language,the expression of the picture atmosphere,as well as the problems in the process of plate making.Finally,it is the reflection and perception of the creation,including the summary of the creation results and the direction of the art road after.
Keywords/Search Tags:surreality, mental space, dream, symbol, copperplate printmaking
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