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Research On The "Stability" Of Rawls's Theory Of Justice

Posted on:2021-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F YangFull Text:PDF
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The stability is a key issue in Rawls's theory of justice,which is also a research focus in his book A Theory of Justice.In the opinions of Rawls,a principle of justice would have the serious defects if it has failed to make people generate the corresponding moral sentiments no matter how superior it is in other aspects,thus showing the importance of problem of stability.In addition,the problem of stability is also the main reason for the transformation in Rawls's thinking in the later period,because he found that it can be impossible for people to reach a consensus on the moral philosophy or other reasonable theories in the democratic society with multiple values.Therefore,this paper focuses on Rawls's proof of stability in A Theory of Justice.Specifically,this paper mainly can be divided into five parts.In the first chapter of this paper,the stability of Rawls's theory of justice is actually the compatibility of justification and good.It is precisely because of the effective coordination between the two that makes both theory support and practice possibility for the related justice theory.Chapter 2 to 4 of this paper mainly elaborates Rawls's argument on stability.The second chapter mainly clarifies the two priority principles from the moral perspective,and further reveals the main reason for the priority of freedom and right.In detail,man is an equal moral subject and everyone is also equal in the moral personality,therefore,all people should be treated with the equal respect and treatment.The third chapter conducts the related discussions from the social perspective.Rawls believed that people are individuals pursuing interests,and everyone is pursuing maximization of their own interests.From the setting of the veil of ignorance,the starting point of individuals is to pursue self-interest.Judging from people's choices of life plans,people are always pursuing their maximum interests throughout their lives.Finally,the reason why Rawls chose the principle of difference actually is also to enable society to produce greater benefits.In the fourth chapter,it discusses that Rawls' theory of human nature is based on rational people from the psychological perspective.The rational people will pursue the maximization of self-interest,but they can be neither very selfish,nor affected by the jealous psychological factor.Moreover,the sense of justice owned by individuals can make most people in the society also generate a sense of justice,leading to the dynamic balance of the society.The fifth part mainly discusses the evaluation of the stability of Rawls's principle of justice.The theory of Justice has abandoned the unreasonable parts of utilitarianism and Kant's theory through absorbing the reasonable parts,providing new ideas for the development of political philosophy and moral philosophy.However,Rawls's argument on stability is based on the moral psychological motivation of justice,which has the ideal and unstable features.
Keywords/Search Tags:stability, sense of justice, theory of justice
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