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A Study Of "Madness" In Dostoevsky's Novels

Posted on:2021-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605460573Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dostoevsky,as a great Russian writer,devoted his whole life to the exploration of human secrets.It can be said that his irreplaceable position in the history of literature,to a large extent,stems from the description and pursuit of human nature in the novel.Therefore,this thesis will focus on the "madness" in Dostoevsky's novels and explore the charm of his novels.This thesis is divided into four chapters.The introduction mainly discusses the current research situation of this thesis,the basic connotation of madness theory and the possibility of applying madness theory in Dostoevsky's novel research.The first chapter,from the perspective of individual self contradiction,studies the "madness" phenomenon in Dostoevsky's novels.Whether abnormal psychology or dual personality,it is a kind of madness performance of human beings,and in the process of madness,it is often accompanied by the factors of self-esteem,fantasy and disease,reflecting a kind of fighting spirit for survival.In the second chapter,from the perspective of the modernization process,on the one hand,it studies the female madness phenomenon under the male hegemony society,On the other hand,it studies the madness of people when they make value choices with the development of modernization,that is,people's excessive pursuit of sex,money and power leads to their own madness.The third chapter,from the ideological point of view,explores the madness of two groups of people,one is people with religious belief,but with the decline of religious belief,they have obtained relative spiritual freedom,no longer devoutly believe in God,So a lot of despicable things in human nature are expressed through violence and crime;the other is nihilist,mainly manifested as on the one hand,their free will expands excessively,which leads to more and more suicides in the society.On the other hand,their freedom gradually develops to the extreme,and they think that everything is allowed,so a series of evil events have taken place in the society.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the value and influence of "madness" in the novel.Dostoevsky strips off the layers of human camouflage in the novel,reveals people's abnormal and morbid psychology and people's satisfaction of their irrational desire,exposes the most real human nature to the readers,and brings readers a new reading experience and aesthetic feeling.Meanwhile,the description of "madness" inDostoevsky's novels had an obvious influence on later writers,such as Melezkovsky,Gide and Nabokov.They inherited the artistic description techniques of Dostoevsky's novels,such as personality split and psychological conflict,so as to further supplement,develop and innovate the "madness" in the novel.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dostoevsky, madness, personality, modernization, ideology
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