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Application Of Nostalgic Therapy In Improving The Self-Worth Of Old People Living Alone In The City

Posted on:2021-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602972597Subject:Social Work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,China has entered an important period of in-depth advancement of aging,the number of elderly population continues to increase,and the problem of the elderly population is becoming increasingly prominent.As a special group of elderly people,elderly people living alone are facing more difficulties and challenges.Elderly people living alone are elderly people who live alone because of unmarried,divorced,spouse death,no children or children living away from home.Compared with ordinary elderly people,they need more social attention and support.Old people living alone suffer from a decline in their ability to act independently.At the same time,a lonely and closed life makes their psychology negatively pessimistic.In addition,the lack of family support and lack of social resources have exacerbated the denial of self by elderly people living alone.The interference of many negative factors can easily lead to a continuous decline in their sense of self-worth,which seriously threatens the mental health of elderly people living alone,and directly affects their quality of life.Therefore,from the perspective of social work,it is of great research significance to help elderly people living alone improve their self-worth.When I investigated the living conditions of elderly people living alone in the community,I found that most elderly people living alone in the P community had a problem of low self-worth,and the mental state of the elderly living alone was disturbed by this problem.Based on this,the author consulted relevant research materials at home and abroad,and planned to use memory therapy to help the elderly living alone enhance their self-worth.The research is mainly divided into three stages: the early stage mainly uses interviews and questionnaires to gain an in-depth understanding of the status quo and needs of elderly people living alone.Interventions are determined from the psychological and interpersonal values??of elderly people living alone.Elderly story group activities,using group remembrance to actively intervene,to help old people living alone to experience their own unique values and enhance their sense of self-worth in the process ofrecalling positive events and experiences in the past;Evaluation,through regular follow-up of team members to consolidate the effectiveness of the group's services,and at the same time,the use of group service effectiveness analysis can explore the role of remembrance therapy in improving the self-worth of elderly people living alone.The study found that the use of nostalgia therapy has a unique significance for enhancing the self-worth of elderly people living alone.Positive memories can promote the self-integration of the elderly,and the process of group memory is conducive to enhancing the social interaction of elderly people living alone.In the process of promoting social work practice,the author also thought about the lack of research,hoping to provide reference for others to carry out relevant research in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:nostalgia therapy, elderly living alone, self-worth
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