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Research On The Abstrac Texpression Of Insect Elements In Ceramic Art Creation

Posted on:2021-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H PangFull Text:PDF
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Insects are the great artistic creation of nature.As the life of the earth,human beings become uninteresting.In the struggle with insects,in the observation of insects,in the study of insects,and even in the imitation,human beings and insects have jointly composed a magnificent epic on the earth.In the field of art creation,artists in all directions use insect themes to create art.In the process of artistic processing of insects,the technique of contemporary abstract expression gradually came to the main stage in the artistic creation using insect elements.Influenced by other artistic forms,the author did not focus on the realistic expression of insect elements,but adopted the abstract expression form to process and refine the insect theme,which became the main expression technique.Through the author's creation practice of "gengzi feast" and "keeping fresh is a kind of waiting" and combining the outbreak of global epidemic in2020 with the author's personal life experience,this paper expresses the author's artistic view.Insect is not only a community with human beings,but also an expression of natural beauty.Its shape,color and pattern are very rich.It also brings rich themes and space for the abstract application of insect elements.With the help of the morphological language of insects,the author extends to artistic creation through the abstract expression of insect morphology and the symbolization of art.In terms of technology,ceramic sculpture and color painting technology are used,accompanied by dense insect representative forms.The symbolism of insect primary color is in line with my artistic point of view.In the design of insect form,I do not use the realistic method,but use the abstraction to express.I satirize the isolated environment of life in the form of ridicule.I show the artistic point of view with the help of some inappropriate dining table drinking culture and the artistic form of installation,emphasizing the spatial and critical nature of the work ? This is my reflection on the relationship between human and nature,the abstract application of insect elements,personal artistic views and social reality,and the organic integration of the three ceramic art creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:insect, abstract, ceramic art
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