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Analysis Of The Destruction And Reconstruction Of Visual Image In Modern Painting

Posted on:2021-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J ZhangFull Text:PDF
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In modern art,the painting process of transforming three-dimensional space into plane visual representation is,to some extent,the process of discovering,destroying and rebuilding visual images.Modern artists abandon the inherent concept of classical art and constantly push the limits of painting.In this process,the destruction and reconstruction of visual images are particularly important.This paper will focus on the analysis of this phenomenon.This paper is divided into three parts.The first part probes into the phenomenon of image destruction and reconstruction.Classical art was devoted to presenting the beauty of natural forms,but with the development of modern painting and the birth of photography technology,the artist's creative motivation shifted significantly,and the individual subjective emotions in the pictures also changed from implicit to more significant.In addition,the artist's aesthetic perspective has also produced a unique change,in other words,is a kind of liberation.The exchange of cultures around the world is also one of the driving factors for this change.The second part is a case study of the specific works with the phenomenon of destruction and reconstruction for a detailed interpretation.Firstly,it analyzes the deconstruction of the objectively existing natural things.Firstly,it simplifies and complicates the original appearance.Secondly,it increases the symbolic significance of the picture.The second is the change of the composition of the picture,which has both modeling space and decorative space,and looks for rational ordered structure in the seemingly disordered picture.The last is the non-realistic reproduction of the color of the picture.Compared with the past paintings,the color of modern painting carries the expression of more emotions and thoughts of the painter,and the color of the creation object no longer only follows the inherent color,and more artificial and non-physical colors appear.The third part is the author's creative inspiration and the analysis of personal works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern painting, Visual image, Destruction and reconstruction
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