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Research On Werner Herzog's Documentary

Posted on:2021-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X PanFull Text:PDF
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Herzog has a unique concept of documentary creation and has distinct creative characteristics.He created a large number of highly artistic works.His unique creative concept has influenced the creation of a generation of filmmakers,and has a pivotal position in the history of film.This paper analyzes the theme of Herzog's documentary content,narrative features and philosophy conveyed by the documentary.This paper uses literature survey,case analysis and comparative study,and draws on the theoretical results of communication,art and sociology to analyze and discuss.The thesis consists of introduction,three chapters and conclusion.The first chapter focuses on the theme of Herzog documentary content as the main research.The first section of the thesis mainly introduces the content and value of the marginal culture contained in Herzog's documentary.The second section of its documentary reflection and criticism of modern civilization to explain the content.The third section mainly analyzes the content of examining and revealing human nature in the documentary.Herzog,with a global vision,reflects deeply and calmly on many issues under the background of the present era,thus revealing the profound and profound connotation of the theme with epochal significance.The second chapter mainly analyzes the narrative characteristics of Herzog's documentary.The first section discusses his tracking record of shooting techniques and the way of individualized narrative.The second section analyzes Herzog's documentary and fictional techniques.It not only uses the technique of long lens and simultaneous sound to highlight the documentary nature,but also uses the fictional technique of acting to express its subjective intention.The third section explains the image in the documentary.Herzog uses the image to present the poetic artistic expression effect and convey his philosophical thinking.The third chapter mainly analyzes Herzog's audiovisual language of documentary,and how Herzog uses audiovisual techniques to present the reality of ecstasy in practice.The first section analyzes the use of long lens and image modelingelements in its documentary,which is divided into two aspects of documentary and freehand brushwork,including movement and fixed long lens,color and composition.The second section mainly analyzes the use of music and sound,the use of sound is both documentary and freehand,and the combination of music and picture forms the characteristics of poetry and style.The third section of this chapter analyzes montage in the use of the law to generalize and summarize.Herzog uses editing and scene combination to show the deep meaning hidden things.Under the current background of the times,The conclusion part points out that He rzog's global vision and innovative spirit have important value,and play an important leading role in the theoretical research and creative practice of the documentary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Herzog, documentary, stylization, fictitious
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