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Research On Czech University Students' Chinese Course Satisfaction

Posted on:2020-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602956720Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid growth of people studying Chinese language-the so called "Chinese fever",the number of Chinese learners in Czech Republic is also increasing,and the scale of Chinese teaching is expanding.Therefore,it is very necessary to pay attention to the quality of teaching Chinese.Good or bad teaching quality directly affects the quality of college students' study training.As a direct participant in teaching,if college students are satisfied and how satisfied they are,will provide value and significance for the improvement of teaching quality.Although Sinology as a major in Czech Republic has received more and more attention,there are also many problems.There are three universities in the Czech Republic with Chinese language major,but the annual enrollment of students is not proportional to the graduates.There are some shortcomings in the teaching at the Chinese Department at these three universities.The students' needs are not met,so they are not satisfied with the study and while are student learning more and more,they also think study is more difficult.The number of Chinese graduates is far different from the number of students entering the school every year.The results of Chinese language teaching at the Czech university are not satisfactory.As a student of the Chinese Department of Palatsky University,the author finds that Chinese students are very likely to give up learning Chinese,while number of Japanese students drop out of school is not that high,so they choose students from the Chinese Department and the Japanese Department of the University of Palatsky in the Czech Republic are the subjects of the survey.The author comprehensively uses literature analysis,questionnaire survey,statistical analysis and other methods to investigate the satisfaction degree of Czech college students in the process of learning Chinese,analyze the main factors affecting the satisfaction of Chinese learners,and compare them with the satisfaction of Japanese learners.Find the ways to improve the satisfaction of Chinese learners and make recommendations for Czech Chinese learners.The author hopes that through investigation and research,it can provide more effective suggestions for Czech Chinese teaching,further improve the quality of teaching,and promote the learning of Chinese language for Czech learners.
Keywords/Search Tags:Czech students, Chinese learning, satisfaction, survey
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