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On The Choice Of The Times In The Translation Of Foreign Folktales

Posted on:2021-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S R ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602489437Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
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In 1 949,the founding of New China was a pivotal event in Chinese history.It profoundly affected the development of folk literature and art.1 950-1966 was the initial period of socialist construction in New China.During this period,the people were elevated to an unprecedented status.At the same time,new era characteristics such as class struggle,independence,and greatness of the people have had a major impact on the development of folk literature and art.The initial establishment of the socialist folk literature and art in the 1950s and 1960s.Folk literature has become a powerful tool for the political propaganda and popularization education of the Communist Party of China and the government because of its natural closeness to the people 's standpoints and characteristics.It has received great attention from the party and the country.The construction of folk literature and art in this period actively inherited the literary traditions of the Yan'an period and continued the aftertaste of the development of folk literature in the early twentieth century.On the other hand,it also has a new academic consciousness under the new era environment and era requirements.During this period,the collection of folk stories and theoretical research have also made important developments,which have had an important impact on the subsequent construction of folk literature and art studies and folk story research.However,the current research on the translation of foreign folk stories in this period is not enough,so thiS article selects two authoritative publications "Folk Literature" and "Folk Literature Collection" from 1950 to 1966 in the field of folk literature as a glimpse of the original appearance and The channel of discipline construction.The translation of foreign folklore stories in the publication is taken as the main research object,and it also radiates into the translation of works of other folklore genres in this period.Starting from the characteristics of the translation introduction presented in the translation,we compare the similarities and differences with the publication of domestic genre works in the same period,and combine Lefevere's theory of manipulation translation to discuss the translation of folk stories from four aspects:translation introduction,genre,theme and type Characteristics and causes behind.This article is divided into six parts:The first part is the research object,the reason for selecting the topic,the clarification of concepts and the relevant research literature review.The second part is to explain the context of the era in which the new country is built in this period from an overall perspective,including the political and cultural context,the context of discipline construction,diplomatic relations and the international environment.Folk literature in this period can be valued because it can echo the literary and artistic policies of the new country,and it also has a propaganda and educational role for the people.From the perspective of discipline construction,folk literature and art entered the research field of scholars in the early twentieth century,and in the liberated areas of the 1930s and 1940s,folk literature received great attention and promotion.These characteristics and experience also continued well into the 1950s and 1960s.At the same time,with the encouragement of the political environment,folk literature has been able to establish major academic institutions and publish mainstream folk literature journals.The institutions and journals have a guiding role in the development of folk literature and art.At the same time,subject builders also played an important role in translation under the dual influence of the times and personal consciousness.In addition,China's diplomatic relations with other countries in the world also influenced the translation of folk tales-in the early days,it turned to the socialist camp dominated by the Soviet Union.In the 1960s,New China began diplomatic relations with the vast number of third world countries.Such changes in the international environment and foreign policy have also had an impact on the translation and introduction of foreign folklore works.The third part introduces the translation and introduction of folk literature translation and its causes.This part starts from the overall translation introduction of folk literature translations,which focuses on the analysis of the translation of the story genre,and finds that there are more works in the socialist countries and the third world countries during the translation process,the lack of translation resources,and the fixed number of translators The characteristics of the academic discussion on the collection and collation issues in the folk literature community also analyzes that in addition to the influence of the national political environment,the translator's own academic research needs will also affect the translator's choice of translation.The fourth part is the genre characteristics and causes of the translation of folk literature in this period.First of all,starting from the genre translation introduction of foreign folk literature translation,it is found that the folk tale genre has more works translated in foreign folk literature translations.This shows that folk stories have received great attention in this period.The reason behind the importance is that folk stories are convenient for shaping the image of a new socialist.The continuous enrichment of works of various genres mainly reflects the importance attached to the problem of collecting and organizing in the construction of folk literature and art.From the perspective of the theme of the translation of folk stories,the fifth part finds that the themes of the story are divided into anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism,uniting the people,praising leaders and heroes,and praising good moral qualities.Behind this reflects the tendency of the adaptation and re-creation of folk stories in folk literature,the transformation of national character,and the unity of the weak nation-state.The sixth part discusses the translation and introduction of various classifications under folk stories from the perspective of story types.Behind it embodies the important significance of people's character and struggle,the masses' wide recognition and respect for communist leaders,as well as the development of new stories and comparative studies of folk stories within the discipline of folk literature and art.In short,'Folk Literature Collection" and "Folk Literature" are two very important mainstream publications in the field of folk literature.The translations of foreign folk literature translated on them and the works published in China have a corresponding relationship.According to manipulation theory,it can also be seen from the translation:From the perspective of ideology,the emphasis on politics,people and struggle is the key.In terms of disciplinary construction,translations reflect the collection of overall academic issues,the prosperity of new stories,the tendency to adapt and re-create,and the development of comparative studies of folk stories.From the perspective of the sponsor,the choice of translation is the conscious choice of the folk editors of the journal editor and the founding institution of the journal,reflecting the will of the institution and the main scholars and editors.Institutions and individuals are inevitably influenced by national ideology,but they also have their own academic conscious exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign folk tales, 1950—1966, translation
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