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Research On The Protection Of Chinese Cultural Heritage From The Perspective Of International Law

Posted on:2021-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M T XueFull Text:PDF
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The world cultural heritage is the precious wealth of all mankind and the historical witness of the development of human civilization.Protecting cultural heritage is the common responsibility of all mankind.However,at present,the protection of world cultural heritage is facing a huge crisis and challenge.Cultural heritages have been destroyed badly.Most people's awareness of cultural heritage protection is weak.And the relevant legal system is not perfect and other problems emerge one after another.On the other hand,cultural heritage is non-renewable and unique.Once destroyed,it will be irretrievable and lost from now on.This makes it extremely important and urgent to further strengthen the protection of cultural heritage.Based on this,the importance and protection of cultural heritage has also gained universal recognition and support from the international community.Faced with increasing threats and challenges,the international community has taken measures to strengthen the protection of cultural heritage.The international community has adopted a series of international conventions,laws and regulations.Generally speaking,cultural heritage has economic value,historical value,cultural value,artistic value and scientific value,and it is necessary and urgent to protect cultural heritage.With the long-term development of the protection of cultural heritage,the international community has formed a certain protection mechanism and system,and carried out and implemented the protection of cultural heritage in accordance with the protection principles of international law strictly.In addition,in terms of the establishment of international law on cultural heritage protection,UNESCO and other international organizations have clearly defined the definition and classification of cultural heritage,so as to carry out and improve the corresponding protection work according to the different properties and characteristics of various cultural heritages.International organizations,intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations have stepped up communication and cooperation on international cultural heritage protection in order to ensure and promote the smooth progress of cultural heritage protection worldwide.On the basis of fully absorbing and drawing lessons from the experience of the international community in the protection of cultural heritage,China actively carries out the protection of cultural heritage.In order to solve the problems in the protection of China's cultural heritage,China should make efforts to explore the measures to improve the protection work,and put forward suggestions for improvement,so as to solve the challenges and difficulties China are facing now.China's cultural heritage has a long history and is rich and colorful.As a country with 5,000 years of civilization,there are countless precious cultural heritages.These cultural treasures contain the splendid development history of the Chinese nation and are the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese people.However,there are many problems in the practice of cultural heritage protection in China,such as serious damage to cultural heritage,insufficient professional personnel,imperfect related legislation and lack of effective coercive force to protect cultural heritage.This paper aims to analyze the current situation of China's protection from the perspective of international law,and find out the existing or potential problems in China's protection process,and draw lessons from the practical experience of other countries to put forward the improvement measures applicable to China.According to the existing research results,there are a large number of international documents covering all aspects of cultural heritage protection and inheritance,which can provide valuable experience and guidelines for China in the future protection process.It is necessary to analyze the practical cases of China's cultural heritage protection,absorb the essence of reference,improve the deficiencies,establish a complete and sound legal protection system,and make the work of cultural heritage protection proceed in a reasonable and orderly way.
Keywords/Search Tags:culture, Cultural heritage, Intangible cultural heritage, International conventions
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