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A Report On The Translation Of Rethinking Body Language:How Hand Movements Reveal Hidden Thoughts(Chapter5&6)

Posted on:2021-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P R LiuFull Text:PDF
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The source text of this report derives from the fifth and sixth chapter of Rethinking Body Language: How Hand Movements Reveal Hidden Thoughts,which was written by Geoffrey Beattie.This book is under the category of psychology.The core concept that Geoffrey Beattie expressed is that movements of the hands and arms can act as a window on the human mind;they make thought visible.Compared with speech,gesture can be a much more accurate reflection of the underlying thoughts than the speech itself.Because the “unconscious meaning” has not been edited by the speaker to send a particular type of message.Hand movements is a way of communication for people in daily life.But people seem to be much less aware of the spontaneous gestures that they make when they talk,and what the gestures are‘saying',and sometimes they are even unaware of whether they are gesturing or not.The phenomenon that gestures reveal hidden thoughts makes them interesting for both psychologists and the general public in their everyday lives.The ability to ‘read'other people is the key to smooth communication in many different fields of life.This report mainly consists of four parts: The first part describes the translation task,introducing the source of the original text,the author and the introduction of the book Rethinking Body Language: How Hand Movements Reveal Hidden Thoughts.The second part describes the translation process,which covers the preparation before translation,the key points and difficulties in translation,the review,polishing,and finalization after translation.The third part analyzes translation cases.The translator analyzes the difficulties of the original text from lexical,syntactic and discourse aspects.As for the typical translation phenomena of the three aspects,the translator adopts translation techniques such as conversion of parts of speech,turning phrases into clauses,voice transformation,subject substitution,sentence order adjustment,and omission.The fourth part summarizes the whole translation practice.The translator has reflected the whole translation process,realizing pre-translation preparation,bilingual translation ability and post-translation revision are all indispensable for the good translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gesture, Words translation, Sentences translation, Discourse translation
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