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Network Novel Creation Dilemma And Self-Breakthrough

Posted on:2021-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M BaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602466275Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since Cai Zhiheng published “ The First Intimate Contact ”,online novels officially entered the public's vision.In the short 20 years of development,network novels have achieved a grand development from nothing to something,from the weak to the strong.However,during the past 20 years,the quality of network novels seems to be getting worse and worse.Although the early classic works are still brilliant,but the subsequent works are difficult to continue.It's hard to come up with another piece of work that can be compared to the best of “Tian Xing Jian”,“After Ascension”,“A Generation of Military Division”.It seems that the current situation of online novels has entered into a inescapable dilemma,because there has been seldom typical creation come out while so many jagged works putting online.Therefore,studying the dilemma of online fiction creation and analyzing the crux of Internet novel creation should be an important way to promote the development of Internet novels.So this article will take Tang Jia San Shao,Chen Dong and Mao greasy as the concrete research object,carries on the concrete analysis to the network novel creation mechanism,the creation predicament and the breakthrough way.The first chapter of this paper will be based on Abrams' theory of "four elements",and add two elements of media and market,so as to expand the framework of " six elements " of online novels.This paper will use the framework of "six elements" to make a comprehensive analysis of the creative mechanism of online novels,which is also the most important theoretical innovation point of this paper.The six elements do not exist in isolation,they have a more complex relationship with each other.Therefore,this paper selects the three elements of text,market and media to analyze,and includes the analysis of the author,the world and the reader.Through analysis,it is found that the key to the composition of the online novel text lies in the author's imagination and desire,which leads to the alienation between the online novel text and the real world.At the same time,the huge reader group gave birth to the supply market,and the market mechanism promoted the birth of the professional authorgroup of online novels on the basis of ensuring the author's income,and greatly strengthened the reader's strength,so that the position of the author and the reader changed obviously.In addition,due to the change of media,the network media makes the reader and the author show a new state of interaction,and the reader's voice begins to enter the author's vision in an all-round way,which also makes the reader begin to really participate in the creation of the work.The second chapter of this paper will further discuss the mechanism of online novel creation,this paper believes that the existence of the dilemma of online novel creation is the result of the resultant force between the internal elements of online novel.This dilemma is manifested in four aspects: the exhaustion of imagination,the weakening of subjectivity,the limitation of free expression and the elimination of literariness.In such a dilemma,it is naturally difficult for authors to create truly high-quality online novel works.In the third chapter,the author of these three famous online novels will analyze how to keep his works in a difficult situation.This chapter first analyzes the problem of the exhaustion of imagination.This paper holds that the reason why people such as cat and greasy can maintain a high level of creation for a long time is that they constantly seek experience from the real world and thus gain a steady stream of imagination,which enables them to build a new online novel text world well.This chapter uses the theory of defamiliarization to analyze the phenomenon of defamiliarization in network novels,which is a very important way to break through,with a clear sense of innovation.From the results of the breakout,these specific breakout methods have achieved certain results,but did not really help the network novel out of the creative dilemma The author's original intention is not to create better works,but to better let readers and the market accept their own novel works.This kind of utilitarian creative attitude,from the current point of view,is the biggest constraint to the breakthrough of online novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:network novel, creation mechanism, creation dilemma, self break through
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