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Analysis On The "Dilemma" Of The Creation Of Chinese Eco-novel In The New Era

Posted on:2016-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330479495169Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Aimed at putting the relationship among man, nature, and soc iety into an ecologica l whole with the help of literature as a carrier, promoting the harmony of natural, human and literature through l ite rary texts and building up a r eal harmonious environment among nat ure, society and spirit, ec ologic al Literature foc use s on nature.China’s ecological novel, as a part of Eco-literature, has achieved extraordinary achievements since the new e ra. Writ ers in our country has produced a grea t dea l of exce lle nt Eco-novels. But Eco-Fiction Writing i s now confront ed wit h a “ dil emma“,and it’s r elatively short of a systematic study 0n i t. We should not only praise and encourage t he writing of Eco- novels, but also should probe thoroughly into t he limita tions faced by the creation of Eco-novel. And t he settlement of the pr oblem will surely broaden the development s pace.The first chapter dis cusses the development of Chinese ecol ogical fict ion novels in the new era and i t will be illustrated fr om the following four aspects: the definition of t he concept of Eco-novel, the development of Eco-novel, the types of Eco- novel,as well as t he a ctualit y of t he study of Eco- novel. Besides, t he vi ews of scholars in our country on the study of Eco-novel will be listed, so will the focuses of the academi c worl d be int roduced.The second chapter, based on the repr esentative wor ks of Ec o- novel, expounds the manifestation of the dilemma and points out the probl em of de fici ency of the creation of Chinese Ec o-novel. It wil l be elaborated from the following four aspec ts:the as simil ation of the choice of theme and building of the image, t he over-use of the mysterious narrative way, the ins tructive wor ds used in novels as well as t he illibera lity and the one-sidedness of the theme.The t hird chapter probes into the reasons for the dilemma. The reasons of the insufficiency of the conversion, the ambiguity of the writing stance, the separa tion of the writing theory and practice a s well as the complexity of t he ideology andcultur al backgrounds wil l be di scussed.The fourth chapter attempts to e xplore ways to overcome the dilemma. And t he ways of wipi ng out the tendency of assimi lation in the wr iting of Ec o-novel,mingl ing with some re asonable Eco-cul ture criti cism, s trengt hening the aesthe tic s of literat ure as well as trying to take the utmost advantage of the guidance funct ion of Eco-c riticism are amply elaborated.The concl usion part emphasizes t he e nlight enment value of t he creat ion of Chinese Eco-novel in a complex Soci o-cultural context a nd a dvocates the bui lding of a real har monious environment of nat ure, society and spirit as we ll as the harmony among nature, human beings and literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Eco-novel, dilemma, manifi station, reason, way
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