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A Study Of Buddhist Drama In Yuan Dynasty

Posted on:2020-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X PangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602453572Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Religious Drama of Yuan Zaju is an extremely important part of Yuan Zaju,in which Buddhist drama plays a large proportion.The worship of the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty,the need for spiritual relief in religion by the literati of the Yuan Dynasty,and the people's hope in God and Buddha all provided important conditions for the development of the Buddhist drama of the Yuan Dynasty,which had the social conditions for its dissemination and a broad mass market.Researchers in the past dynasties paid much attention to the Religious Drama of the Yuan Dynasty,but for a long time,because the concept was not clearly defined,most of them generalized the Religious Drama in a general way by "immortal and Taoist drama",neglecting the value of Buddhist drama to a great extent.From the perspective of Buddhist thought and Buddhist factors in Buddhist drama,this paper analyses the Buddhist thought embodied in Buddhist drama and the role of Buddhist factors in the creation of Buddhist drama.It is believed that the Buddhist thought embodied in Buddhist drama can play the role of abandoning evil and promoting good,and at the same time bring spiritual support to the people at that time.Buddhist factors,such as Buddhist temples,Buddhist figures,Dutuo style and interrogation of Zen plots,on the one hand provide rich inspiration and material for Yuan Zaju writers,on the other hand,play a vital role in promoting the development of Buddhist plots.In addition,because of its religious nature,Buddhist plays adopt the Buddhist language which other plays do not have.These Buddhist languages interact with the opera language of their own characteristics,forming the unique language style of Buddhist plays.At the same time,the contradictions and conflicts in the setting of Buddhist drama are closely related to the Buddhist doctrine advocated by the author.The use of comedy in Buddhist plays not only reveals human feelings,but also enriches the portrayal of characters.The wide spread of Buddhist drama in the Yuan Dynasty brought spiritual support to the people at that time,spread to later generations,and also provided abundant material for later literary creation.The purpose of this paper is to make people have a clearer understanding of the Buddhist drama through the study of the Buddhism of Yuan Zaju,and at the same time make people have a more comprehensive grasp of the Zaju of Yuan Dynasty and the society at that time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuan drama, Buddhist drama, Buddhist thought, Buddhist elements
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