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Post Human Issues In Bio Art

Posted on:2020-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330599965029Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of computer technology and biology has greatly changed people's life.However,on the one hand,artificial intelligence with highly developed consciousness has also caused people into panic about the living conditions of the subject,worrying that one day the machine will override human beings;On the other hand,the intervention of genetic engineering in the human body will change the‘natural evolution'into‘artificial evolution',which also leads to the question of the traditional concept of‘human'.The concept of‘post human'is the direct response of the theoretical circles to the human situation in this technological reality.As a collective discourse,a common feature of the‘post human'trend of thought is that‘human'no longer occupies the center of the world;With the increasingly blurred boundary of‘human',the status of‘human'should be reconsidered.It has a strong Anti-anthropocentrism tendency.As‘after the end of art',bio art also takes computer and biotechnology as art media,blurs the boundaries between human and non-human races in an artistic way,and it points the technical spearhead directly at anthropocentrism.The proposition of‘post human issues in bio art is the reflection of‘anti-anthropocentrism'under the convergence of contemporary technological reality,artistic status quo and theoretical trend of thought.In the theoretical context of‘after the end of art',this paper briefly outlines the concept and development of bio art,as well as the two most important dualistic relationships in bio art--human and animal,human and machine.Around these two groups of structures,this paper analyse Derrida's animal theory and Haraway's‘cyborg'theory,and objectively reveals the unavoidable human position and practical lack in the theory of the two.The fifth chapter reveals its inner paradox of bio art.Through the analysis of specific practices such as artistic means and treatment methods,it is recognized that there is a‘human position'in the‘anti-anthropocentrism'of bio art.Similarly,ecological ethics also takes the‘anti-anthropocentrism'as the theoretical core.Its internaldevelopment has also experienced a blind advocacy of the inherent value and moral rights of non-human species,which reflects the indispensability of central position of mankind.By reflecting on the reality and theory,we should realize that‘anti-anthropocentrism'provides us with a reasonable perspective on the relationship between human beings and non-human races,but defending human subject status is the basis and premise of‘anti-anthropocentrism'.
Keywords/Search Tags:bio art, post human, Derrida, Haraway, the central position of human beings
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