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A Translation Report On The Customer Experience Edge From Chapter 10 To 12

Posted on:2018-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis was guided by the Skopos Theory and chose proper translation strategies to deal with the translation of The Customer Experience Edge.It introduced the whole process of translation task.The language characteristics of this book were analyzed,which was the basis of this thesis to determine the key points of analysis.The thesis introduced text type and content of The Customer Experience Edge as well.The source text was selected from Chapter 10 to 12 of the book.Five aspects were analyzed,laying the root for corresponding analysis.Words,names,sentences,rhetoric and text were included.Guided by the Skopos Rule,instance analysis was made on the basis of text characteristics.In terms of words,conversion of word class and division of words were analyzed.As for plenty of names included in the book,proper translation strategies were adopted and corresponding analysis is made.At the syntactic level,some attributive clauses which were widely used in the book were analyzed,including restrictive attributive clauses and non-restrictive attributive clauses.In addition,two rhetorical devices were widely adopted in the book: metaphor and personification.Both of them were also analyzed,and the corresponding translation strategies were used to increase the acceptability of the translation.In terms of text,on the basis of different cohesion,the instance analysis was conducted.At last,the thesis indicated,translators should make the target text conform to the language habits and thinking modes of target readers and possess high readability as well as high acceptability.Target readers can accept the translation both on culture and language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conversion, Attributive Clauses, Rhetorical Devices, Acceptability
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