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The Study On The Popularization Of Marxist Philosophy In Contemporary China

Posted on:2020-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330599961069Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The report of the 17 th National Congress of the CommunistParty of China clearly put forward: "carry out the publicity andpopularization of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinesecharacteristics,and promote the popularization of Marxism incontemporary China.Marxist philosophy is the core component ofMarxism.The first thing to promote the popularization of Marxism isto promote the popularization of Marxist philosophy.Incontemporary China,the popularization of Marxist philosophy playsan important role in the work of the party and the state.To continueto promote the popularization of Marxist philosophy incontemporary China is not only the inherent requirement to enrichand improve Marxist philosophy,but also the inevitable choice forthe development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.In orderto promote the popularization of Marxist philosophy incontemporary China,we must explore the effective way of thepopularization of Marxist philosophy in combination with the newchallenges facing our country at the present stage on the basis ofsummarizing the historical experience of the popularization ofMarxist philosophy.This paper aims to review the history of the popularization ofMarxist philosophy in China,grasp the present,grasp the law,identify the problems,make a good position,explore ways,and theneffectively promote the development of the popularization of Marxistphilosophy.The first part of this paper reviews the historical processof the popularization of Marxist philosophy in modern China,examines the practice of the popularization of Marxist philosophy inmodern China,and tries to explore the basic laws and important experience of promoting the popularization of Marxist philosophy inChina.The second part studies the realistic foundation and practicalinevitability of the popularization of Marxist philosophy incontemporary China and deeply analyzes the possibility of therealization of the popularization of Marxist philosophy incontemporary China.The third part dialectically analyzes theopportunities and challenges facing the popularization of Marxistphilosophy from the perspective of reality,and objectively points outthe unfavorable factors hindering the popularization of Marxistphilosophy in contemporary China in the process of practice,whichalso provides a realistic basis for further finding out thecountermeasures to promote the popularization of Marxistphilosophy.The fourth part explores the way to promote thepopularization of Marxist philosophy in contemporary China on thepremise of grasping the reality and respecting the law.The four partsof the text,one is indispensable,together around the theme andlaunched to ensure the integrity and logic of the article.
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary China, Marxist philosophy, The popularization
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