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Exploration Of "Clam","Pureness" And "Artistic Conception" In Guqin Culture

Posted on:2020-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Guqin culture has a history of thousands of years,and there are several different views on the origin of guqin.In the early period,guqin was mainly used as an important part of sacrificial ceremony,and its social function was more valued than artistic quality.With the development of society,the inner cultural connotation of guqin is in line with the spirit pursued by scholars,making guqin music gradually become the representative of cultured music,favored by most scholars,and gradually become the representative form of scholars music.For the literati guqin culture plays a crucial role in the development,the literati have deep humanities accomplishment and more rich delicate feelings,that in addition to related to the social environment at that time,and by the influence of cultural ideas and beliefs are closely related,these are also profoundly affects the guqin culture connotation.Literati pay more attention to personal life value and spiritual pursuit,and play guqin to reach the purpose of spiritual comfort and spiritual digestion,and pursue a pure spiritual realm and the beauty of natural harmony.Guqin is the comfort and spiritual sustenance of literati.The qin is just like the best friend of the literati.The literati play the guqin to express their feelings and express their ideas.They always believe that "to reach the world,to help the poor," this view,under the influence of this view,the guqin music will become their guide to raise air,self-cultivation of personality way.This paper made a general overview of guqin culture,according to the different periods of factors such as social environment,the research analyzes the development of guqin culture,guqin music,as the representative of the ancient Chinese literati music scholar of guqin music plays an important influence on the development of,reflected in the guqin music art,more precipitation is a guqin culture connotation.The research focuses on the three aspects of guqin's cultural connotation,namely "clam","pureness" and "artistic conception",which are analyzed from the external and internal aspects respectively.The external part mainly includes the performance location,environmental conditions and itsown state of the guqin music,etc.,while the internal part mainly includes the interaction between the guqin and people,deeper artistic feelings,and the spiritual realm and so on.By means of comparative analysis and literature citation,this paper studies the three characteristics of "clam","pureness" and "artistic conception" respectively,and finds the correlation and interaction among the three in this process,so as to further study the cultural connotation of guqin.With the rise of intangible cultural heritage in recent years,how to better inherit and spread the guqin culture has become a topic of great concern.Not only for the guqin culture,but also for other excellent traditional cultures in China.The development of science and technology to promote the spread of many emerging media,form,people can through these advanced technical means and ways to understand guqin culture,but also according to the present popular media channels and each big communication platform,use the way of modern people more love and concern,gradually lead people to appreciate and accept guqin culture,promote the guqin in contemporary heritage and development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guqin culture, calm, pureness, artistic conception
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