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Research On The Characters In Lou Ye's Movies From The Perspective Of Ethics

Posted on:2020-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330599456865Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article focuses on the dialectical relationship between the characters in Lou Ye's movies and ethics.From the youth ethics,sex ethics,family ethics,female ethics and other dimensions to explore the multiple evolution of human nature,focusing on the combination of image of film and television characters and ethical expression.Looking at the ethical concepts and struggling souls of the characters in Lou Ye's films in a mirror image way will realize a beneficial exploration of new types of Lou Ye film research and artistic expression.Lou Ye is one of the outstanding representatives of China's sixth generation directors.The concern and exploration for the individual mental state has created its unique artistic style of movies and established its symbolic status in China and the world.Although there are not many works by Lou Ye,most of them have won awards at world and Chinese film festivals.Suffice it to say that Lou Ye's identity and the quality of his films have been recognized both at home and abroad.At the same time,it is bound to cause extensive discussion and research on his films in academia.He uses his own film language and the authority of the director to control the stories and characters in the film.His works generally focus on the most common people in the society and the marginal groups excluded from the mainstream.Starting from the most real characters,he writes about the most intuitive Desire inside the characters.This paper is mainly divided into three parts: The first part is the introduction part,which mainly introduces the research background and significance of this article,the current research situation and the personal experience of director Lou Ye,as well as the ethical concept source of the research on the characters in Lou Ye films.The second part starts with the theoretical knowledge of ethics,and makes an exposition and comparison of tradition and current situation from the specific concepts and historical evolution of the theoretical knowledge.In the third section of each chapter,the representative moviecharacters are analyzed in detail from the perspective of ethics,focusing on the moral and ethical attributes of these movie characters.The first chapter starts with youth ethics.The second and third sections respectively show the development and changes of youth ethics,the psychological emotions of young people and the ethical and moral behaviors caused by them.The third section analyzes the images of young people in Lou Ye movies and deeply analyzes the real life and psychological states of young people.In the second chapter,from the angle of sex ethics,the author first expounds the changing process of sex ethics from ancient times to now,and analyzes the sex behaviors and the erotic characters in Lou Ye's movies.The third chapter,starting from family ethics,expounds the changes from ancient family ethics to modern family ethics and the openness of modern thoughts,and deeply analyzes the images of bereaved characters in Lou Ye's movies.The fourth chapter,from the perspective of women's ethics,expounds the history of the transformation of women's ethics from ancient times to present,and analyzes the images of women in the times in Lou Ye's films.Finally,in order to enable the audience to have a clearer deconstruction and understanding of Lou Ye's movies,to think about the retelling of real life by the characters in movies and TV programs in the context of ethical changes,to show ethics and convey the meaning of life,and to cause people to think about the tendency of ethical development in the process of movie development.Reflecting on the social and cultural ethics of the characters in movies.Finally,people-oriented and return to the healthy development of each individual in the society,and put forward their own opinions on the ethical issues of contemporary movies and the development of social culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lou Ye movies, Character image, Image expression, Ethical reflection
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